
Eagle Sciences offers a wide range of hormone assays that are the best kits available worldwide. Listed below are some new publications from scientists who have successfully completed their studies utilizing our: Estradiol ELISA, Testosterone ELISA, Progesterone ELISA, and kits from our Steroid Assay Kit Line.




Estradiol ELISA Assay Kit,Testosterone ELISA Assay KitProgesterone ELISA Assay Kit:

New Publication:

Investigation of sex reversal in layer chickens in Bangladesh


Cortisol Saliva ELISA Assay Kit:

New Publication:

Circadian rhythms of ewes suckling singletons versus twins during the second week of lactation

Related Kits:

Steroid Assay Kits


Related News:

April 1, 2011: Eagle Biosciences Introduces High Sensitive Steroid Saliva ELISA Kits


Sharing a makeup brush with your best friend seems harmless right? Well under ordinary circumstances the answer is yes but for Jo Gilchrist it caused an absolutely devasting outcome for her. She contracted a serious MRSA infection that attacked her spine that ultimately paralyzed her.

Most people do have staphylococcus bacterial species as part of their normal skin flora but there is a small percentage of people that carry a very antibiotic-resistant strain called MRSA (a.k.a. Methicillin-resistant Staphlococcus aureus). Jo’s friend had previously had a staph infection on her face and doctors believe that Jo was infected with MRSA through a pimple on her face.after using the borrowed makeup brush.

Learn More


makeup image above from

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Magic, Ancient Concoction Kills Today’s Superbugs

Eagle Biosciences Adds New Assays for CD Antigens, Soluble Antigens, Cytokine Receptors, and Apoptosis Markers

EagleBio is excited to share a list of numerous, new assays for measuring cytokines,CD antigens, and apoptosis markers. They assays have been added to our immunology assay kit line and they offer broad antibody range across multiple species with high specificity and affinity for a number of different cytokines and soluble molecules.  They recognize both natural and recombinant antigen specificity with no cross reactivity with other human cytokines.


Please see these new Eagle Biosciences Assays below:


Human CD14 ELISA Assay Kit


Human sCD141 ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD21 ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD86 ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD116 ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD117 ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD124 / IL4-R ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD126 / IL-6R ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD130 / gp130 ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD138 /SYNDECAN-1 ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD213α2 / IL-13Rα2 ELISA Assay Kit

Human sCD25 / IL-2R ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD102 / sICAM-2 ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD106 / sVCAM-1 ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD31 ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD44 ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD50 / sICAM-3 ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD54 ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD62E ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD62L ELISA Assay Kit

Human CD62P ELISA Assay Kit


Related Products:

Cytokine ELISA Assay Kits

Endocrinology Assay Kits

New Products


Related News:

Eagle Biosciences Launches New High Sensitivity Cytokine Assays 

Eagle Biosciences Announces the Launch of Multispecies 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA Assay Kit


Eagle Biosciences, Inc. is happy to announce the product launch of a new Multispecies 25-OH Vitamin DELISA kit. This will be one of the first commercially available ELISA kits to measure both 25-OH Vitamin D2 and D3 equally, at one hundred percent in multiple species such as bovine, goat, horse, chicken, mouse, rat, rabbit and equine. Millions of tests are performed annually for vitamin D and recent research has proven that the only way to accurately assess vitamin D status is to measure both circulating forms.

Dan Keefe, President of Eagle Biosciences, is very pleased with this unique Multispecies 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA. “We are thrilled for the opportunity to offer this expedient and extremely versatile kit for vitamin D determination.” Keefe continued, “This assay is an amazing addition to our ever growing vitamin assay kit product line and is a perfect complement to the rock solid, gold standard assay we offer, 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA kit (for Humans).”

Keefe concluded, “This assay was carefully designed with extensive optimization and numerous validation studies. In fact, one of the key steps in the development involved utilizing our own assay buffer that releases Vitamin D from Vitamin D binding protein (DBP). This buffer’s unique properties offer researchers the ability to run samples without sample extraction. Therefore the lack of extraction coupled with the short two hour incubation time makes this ELISA a very robust and easy assay to run.”

This product is currently for research use only. Eagle Biosciences will be offering promotional pricing through the end of May for anyone who purchases the Multispecies 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA. Visit the website at or call 866-411-8023 for full details.


Related Products:


Vitamin Assay Kits

Related News:

New Publications for EagleBio’s Vitamin Assay Kit Product Line

EagleBio Spotlight: Vitamin D

Interesting Study Reveals Possible Link Between Vitamin D and Autism

New Publications for Select Vitamin Assays Kits

EagleBio’s 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA: Product Highlights

10 Reasons to Keep Up with Your Vitamin D Levels


Monthly Promotions- Multispecies 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA



Check Out our Monthly Promotions!! 

40% Discount on our New Multispecies 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA Kit

This promotion is good through the end of May just use the code below when ordering.





Related Products:


Vitamin Assay Kits

Related News:

Eagle Biosciences Announces the Launch of Multispecies 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA Assay Kit

New Publications for EagleBio’s Vitamin Assay Kit Product Line

EagleBio Spotlight: Vitamin D

Interesting Study Reveals Possible Link Between Vitamin D and Autism

New Publications for Select Vitamin Assays Kits

EagleBio’s 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA: Product Highlights

10 Reasons to Keep Up with Your Vitamin D Levels

New Publications for EagleBio’s Vitamin Assay Kit Product Line



EagleBio offers numerous unique and robust ELISAs, HPLCs, antigens, antibodies, proteins, and more in a variety of emerging areas of research and disciplines. The Vitamin Assay Kit line offered Eagle Biosciences provides unique and sensitive assays for measuring a variety of vitamin analytes.  Researchers in the field are continually accomplishing fascinating studies and using our kits to do so!  Below you will find two new publications referencing 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA Assay Kit and Vitamin A / Vitamin E HPLC Assay Kit respectively.


25-OH Vitamin D ELISA Assay Kit

Vitamin A / Vitamin E HPLC Assay Kit

New Publication:

Determination of Vitamins A, C and D Status Using Serum Markers and a 24-Hour Dietary Recall among Maasai Women of Reproductive Age


Related Products:


Vitamin Assay Kits

Related News:

EagleBio Spotlight: Vitamin D

Interesting Study Reveals Possible Link Between Vitamin D and Autism

New Publications for Select Vitamin Assays Kits

10 Reasons to Keep Up with Your Vitamin D Levels


Eagle Biosciences Launches New High Sensitivity Cytokine Assays


EagleBio is proud to announce the new launch of three new high sensitivity cytokine assays.  These kits offer ultra-sensitivity, excellent specificity with no cross reaction to other cytokines, and the ability to test multiple sample types. Please see these new Eagle Biosciences Assays below:


Human High Sensitive IFNγ ELISA Assay Kit

Interferon-gamma (also known as: IFN-gamma and Type II interferon or immune interferon) is a cytokine that plays physiologically important roles in promoting innate and adaptive immune responses. 


Sample types: Human Sera, Plasma, Buffered Solutions or Cell Culture Media

Detects: Both Natural and Recombinant Human IFNγ


Human IL-2 High Sensitivity ELISA Assay Kit

Interleukin 2 (IL-2is a cytokine cell signalling molecule of the immune system which is considered a key growth and death factor for antigen-activated T lymphocytes. IL-2 plays a vital role in lymphocyte differentiation, immune responses, and homeostatis.


Sample Types: Human Sera, Plasmas, Buffered Solutions or Cell Culture Media. 

Detects: Both Natural and Recombinant Human IL-2


Human IL-6 High Sensitivity ELISA Assay Kit

Interleukin 6 (IL-6) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine and an anti-inflammatory myokine that is not involved in inflammation and infection responses as well as regulation of metabolic, regenerative, and neural processes. IL-6 is released by T cells and macrophages and is a vital component in the process of stimulating an immune response.


Sample Types: Human Sera, Plasmas, Buffered Solutions, Supernatants, and other Body Fluids. 

Detects: Both Natural and Recombinant Human IL-6



Related Products:

Cytokine ELISA Assay Kits

Endocrinology Assay Kits

New Products


PVS-RIPO virus


There has been much buzz about the recent studies performed at Duke University since it was featured on 60 minutes on March 29th. This research has been focused on genetically engineering the polio virus to use for therapy in patients with cancer, more specifically, glioblastoma. The basis of this experimental therapy surrounded the scientific hypotheses that viruses could target cancer with viruses. In fact, these are ideas that have been around for a hundred years or more. Scientists at Duke took the Polio virus and genetically modified it to remove the harmful sequence that causes paralysis and replaced it with a harmless cold virus sequence. This new polio virus (PVS-RIPO) was then injected directly into the brain of the patients in the clinical trial.

So far, their work has proven that this is very promising treatment for cancer patients because they were able to not only shrink the tumors in several patients in this study but also diminish them until they were completely cancer free. However, there were patients that were not so lucky and did pass away during the course of this clinical trial. The goal of this study was to determine the proper dosage of the virus and scientist did in fact gain valuable insight that will help to continue to prove that this immunotherapy and other like it.

 Read more

image above from

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Immunology Assay Kits

Cancer Biomarkers Kits

Eagle Biosciences Launches New Immunoaffinity Columns from BioTez GmbH.




Eagle Biosciences recently launched
new immunoaffinity columns from their partner, BioTez Berlin-Buch GmbH in
Germany.BioTez is an expert not only in
ELISAs but also immunoaffinity columns (IAC) with a strong focus on biotechnological
research and providing high quality products. Eagle’s partnership with BioTez began in the spring of this year
and has continued to be a fruitful relationship with new opportunities from
their continuous flow of innovative products.

“The immunoaffinity columns in this product
line offer excellent flow behavior, incredible robustness, and high permeability,
with no increased pressure required.”Dan Keefe, President of EagleBio commented, “We are pleased to be adding
more products from BioTez.”He
continued, “These columns offer many advantages and are manufactured using the
utmost quality in the areas of mycotoxin and vitamin analysis, two areas that
BioTez is highly specialized.”

products are currently for research use only. Check out the list below of new BioTez
immunoaffinity columns below. Visit the Eagle website or
call 866-411-8023 for full details.



Fumonisin Immunoaffinity Column (3ml, 10 columns)

Aflatoxin Immunoaffinity Column (3ml, 10 columns)

Ochratoxin Immunoaffinity Column (3ml, 10 columns)

Vitamin B12 Immunoaffinity Column (3ml, 10 columns)

Folic Acid Immunoaffinity Column (3ml, 10 columns)

Biotin Immunoaffinity Column (3ml, 10 Columns)


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Immunology Assay Kits

Vitamin Assay Kits

Magic, Ancient Concoction Kills Today’s Superbugs

A recent discovery of an ancient remedy could have surprising and hopeful implications for microbiology and more specifically, combating highly resistant bacteria (a.k.a. superbugs).  This concoction was found in a medieval medical textbook for treating eye infections and could possibly date back as early as the 9th century.  The magic ingredients include 2 species of Allium (garlic and onion or leak), wine, and bile from a cow’s stomach. 

Superbugs have been a growing health concern and threat around the world with increasing antibiotic resistance.  Treatments, procedures, and infections that were once simple are now complicated and often deadly because these bugs. So it was shocking to researchers and scientists at the University of Nottingham to see how effective this specific combination of ingredients were when they tested them against nasty bacterial strains such as MRSA.  

Referring to methods and remedies in the past before science and the germ theory was really understood is a crazy thought.  However, evidence suggests that ancient scientists were on to something…something that could possibly take the world out of this antibiotic resistant era. Learn More