
Antibody Drug Kits- DM1, MMAE, MMAF: Product Highlights

Eagle Biosciences’ Immunology Assay Kit line is a complete group of products comprised of a unique,versatile set of products for a variety of applications, research, and fields of study surrounding overall immunological health and immunological-related disorders. Our Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ELISA menu are a comprehensive set of assays which are the first commercially available quantitative ADC test in ELISA format.  Each of these assays: MMAE Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ELISA Assay Kit, MMAF Antibody Drug Conjugate (A DC) ELISA Assay Kit, and DM1 Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ELISA Assay Kit have a variety of benefits such as excellent sensitivity and specificity.  Together, these assay kits provide incredible value to pre-clinical and clinical pharmacology studies, cancer research, and more specifically antitumor therapeutic investigation.

Why Measure Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs) using our Assays?

Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are a new type of targeted therapy for cancer treatment that bring a lot of hope to oncology-related areas. ADCs are cancer cell specific monoclonal antibodies that are conjugated with highly potent cyotoxics via a specific linker, which deliver and release the drug directly inside the tumor cell. ADCs, thus significantly increase target specificity and reduce toxicity.

Measurement of circulating specific cytotoxic ADCs are extremely important for pre-clinical and clinical studies to help discover unique, targeted, efficacious, and safer anticancer treatments.Given the variations in antibodies, drug potencies, and tumor types, there’s plenty of room for multiple novel linker technologies and techniques that offer better control for making ADCs.

The assays in Eagle Biosciences’  ADC kit menu have been developed with specific antibodies to DM1, MMAE, and MMAF and offer not only the ability to measure numerous sample types but also multiple species.

Key Advantages of EagleBio’s Antibody Drug Conjugate Assays

  • Excellent sensitivity
  • Simple procedure
  • Wide dynamic range
  • Quick results:  under 3 hours
  • Versatile:  multiple sample types & species

Related Kits:

MMAE Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ELISA Assay Kit

MMAF Antibody Drug Conjugate (A DC) ELISA Assay Kit

DM1 Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ELISA Assay Kit

Immunology Assay Kits

Related News:

October 2014: Eagle Biosciences Introduces New Antibody Drug Conjugate ELISA Assays

Nashua, NH:
Eagle Biosciences is now offering a new ADMA FAST ELISA Assay Kit. This assay was
developed and manufactured by DLD Diagnostika GmbH ( in
Germany. DLD is a worldwide leader in niche tests for autoimmune and cardiovascular
diseases as well as renal dysfunction.

“We are
pleased to add on yet another great kit from DLD to our Cardiovascular Assay Kit line here at EagleBio.” said Dan Keefe, President of EagleBio. He added, “This assay, like the other ADMA
kits from DLD, is the gold standard in testing for cardiovascular disease risk.
It offers many advantages over other kits in the market such as excellent
specificity, sensitivity, and excellent correlation to LC-MS/MS.” Keefe
concluded, “To top it all off, this kit provides precise results in under 3
hours while most other assays require an overnight incubation.”

This product
is currently for research use. Check out the links below, visit the Eagle website,,
or call 866-411-8023 for full details.


Related Kits:


ADMA (Asymmetric Dimethylarginine) / Arginine ELISA Assay KIt

ADMA Ultrasensitive ELISA Assay Kit

Homoarginine ELISA Assay Kit

Cardiovascular Assay Kits

Related News:

EagleBio Biomarker Spotlight: ADMA

New Listing of ADMA Assay Publications

Eagle Biosciences Continues Product Line Expansion with launch of New Homoarginine ELISA kit



EagleBio’s Immunoaffinity Columns

Effective, Efficient Tools for Mycotoxin Contamination & Vitamin Analysis


Eagle Biosciences’ Immunology Assay Kit line  is a complete group of products comprised of a unique,versatile set of products for a variety of applications, research, and fields of study surrounding overall immunological health and immunological-related disorders.  Some of the most unique products in our Immunology Assay Kit Line are the  Immunoaffinity Columns which are effective and efficient tools for assessing and measuring mycotoxin contamination and providing vitamin analysis.  Individually, each of these columns: Fumonisin Immunoaffinity Column, Aflatoxin Immunoaffinity Column, Ochratoxin Immunoaffinity Column, Folic Acid Immunoaffinity Column, and Biotin Immunoaffinity Column offer a variety of advantages over other competing immunoaffinity columns such as ease of use and high-specificity. Collectively, this line offers researchers a column for every research need pertaining to food and feed analysis.

Why Measure Mycotoxins and Vitamins in Food and Feed?

Evaluation of food and feed through myotoxin and vitamin analysis is important for assessing its composition and contamination level for providing safety to those who consume them.

Mycotoxins are fungal toxins and occur either in the growth phase of plants, when storing food, and raw materials such as cereals and nuts, or they can enter the food chain as metabolites. High levels of mycotoxins can endanger humans and other vertebrates, thus continued testing should be done to ensure that these toxins remain at acceptable levels in the food.

Vitamin analysis in food also has a variety of purposes. In fact,  it is used to provide quality assurance
for supplemented products; to study changes in vitamin content attributable to
food processing, packing, and storage.  This type of analysis also helps to provide data for food composition tables and to check compliance with contract specifications and nutrient labeling regulation.

Key Advantages of EagleBio’s Immunoaffinity Columns line:

  • Excellent flow behavior
  • Incredible robustness
  • Exceptional specificity
  • High permeability with no increase pressure required
  • Ready-to-use columns in various sizes

Related Products:

Immunology Assay Kits

Vitamin Assay Kits

Fumonisin Immunoaffinity Column

Aflatoxin Immunoaffinity Column

Ochratoxin ImmunoaffinityColumn

Folic Acid Immunoaffinity Column

Biotin Immunoaffinity Column

AOZDFT Immunoaffinity Column



Related News:

Eagle Biosciences Launches New Immunoaffinity Columns from BioTez GmbH.

2 Promotions this Month: Catecholamine Assays & Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit

Catecholamine Sensitive Assays

Related News:

EagleBio Biomarker Spotlight: Biogenic Amines

Catecholamine Sensitive Assays: Product Highlights

EagleBio’s Serotonin ELISA: A Rock Solid Assay and 5 Recent Citations you Should Not Miss

New Study Referencing EagleBio’s Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit

January 21, 2015- Eagle Biosciences Shares Some New Publications Across Multiple EagleBio Assay Kit Product Lines

July 5, 2012: Eagle Biosciences Introduces High Sensitive Catecholamine Assay Kits

Related Kits:

Adrenaline ELISA

Dopamine ELISA

Noradrenaline ELISA

Serotonin ELISA Assay

Neurobiology Assay Kits

Catecholamine Assay Kits

Catecholamine Sensitive Assay Kits

EagleBio’s Ultrasensitive Cortisol Saliva ELISA is a Valuable Tool in a Circadian Rhythmicity Study

An interesting study was just recently published in the Journal of Human Anatomy and Physiology Society utilizing EagleBio’s Ultrasensitive Cortisol Saliva ELISA.  Our Ultrasensitive Cortisol Saliva ELISA is part of our Steroid Assay Kit Line which offers an array of interesting and sensitive assays for different hormone analytes and research needs. Check the product page for full details on the kit or view the links below to find a new publication referencing our Ultrasensitive Cortisol Saliva ELISA.


An undergraduate physiology lab module was developed to enhance student understanding of the functions
of cortisol hormone, the circadian rhythm associated with cortisol release, proper ELISA technique, and
quantitative data analysis methods including linear regression and t-test assessment. Eagle Biosciences’ Ultrasensitive Cortisol Saliva ELISA was used to measure cortisol levels in the saliva of a cohort of students. Researchers concluded that human cortisol
levels are significantly different between morning
and evening as they clearly observed the very robust nature of fluctuating cortisol levels in circadian rhythm.

Related Kits:

Steroid Assay Kits

Cortisol ELISA Assay Kit

Cortisol Saliva ELISA Assay Kit


Testosterone ELISA Assay Kit

Testosterone Saliva ELISA Assay Kit

Related News:

Eagle Biosciences Shares New Literature Utilizing Select Hormone Assays

Biomarker Spotlight: ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone

April 1, 2011: Eagle Biosciences Introduces High Sensitive Steroid Saliva ELISA Kits

Endothelin and Big Endothelin ELISA Assays: Product Highlights



Eagle Biosciences’ Cardiovascular line is a full list of unique assays for the comprehensive determination of important and emerging biomarkers of cardiovascular disease.  Our Endothelin (1-21) ELISA and Big Endothelin-1 ELISA are robust and not only offer direct measurement of these analytes but also provide flexibility to run manually or in an automated system. Collectively, these assays provide a comprehensive means to accurately and easily measure the endothelin system and circulating concentrations of endothelin.

EagleBio’s Endothelin Assays offer several key attributes  such as excellent sensitivity, use with multiple sample types, and small sample volume requirements which make these assay kits excellent tools for evolving research in cardiovascular and stress-related fields of study.

Why Measure Endothelins?

The principle actions of endothelin surround increasing blood pressure and vascular tone, thus endothelin antagonists may serve to play important roles in offsetting the negative impact endothelin has in invivo. Both Big ET and ET are strong independent predictors of survival in patients
with congestive heart failure, and identify a population with a very high risk of mortality.  

The biological role of ET extends beyond endothelins’ primary vascular and growth regulatory properties. Due to the complex nature of the endothelin system, further research may be necessary to further define these biological intricacies for the development of therapeutic agents. Robust, sensitive, and specific immunoassays could be valuable tools to assist researchers in these investigations. Read more

Key Advantages of EagleBio’s Endothelin (1-21) ELISA 

  • Ultra-sensitivity – quantifies as little as 0.05 pg/ml Endothelin
  • Direct measurement: measures both normal and pathological samples -no extraction of samples needed
  • Versatility: provides ability to use multiple sample types in various animal species
  • Serum Based Standards and Controls: provides biologically reliable data
  • Lyophilized Reagents: simplifies procedure with no reagent preparation
  • Flexibility: provides ability to run manually and easily with the simple procedure

EageBio offers 1 additional Standard in protein buffered matrix- can be used for spike and recovery experiments, making further standards as required for certain institutions, or for other matrices (i.e. cell culture, species).

Key Advantages of EagleBio’s Big Endothelin-1 ELISA


  • Ultra-sensitivity – quantifies as little as 0.02 pmol/ml Endothelin
  • Direct measurement: measures both normal and pathological samples -no extraction of samples needed
  • Versatility: provides ability to use in serum and plasma
  • Serum Based Standards and Controls: provides biologically reliable data
  • Lyophilized Reagents: simplifies procedure with no reagent preparation
  • Flexibility: provides ability to run manually and easily with the simple procedure

EagleBio’s Big Endothelin-1 ELISA is the only assay available in the market to measure big endothelin-1!


Related Kits:

Endothelin (1-21) ELISA Assay Kit

Big Endothelin-1 ELISA Assay Kit

Cardiovascular Assay Kits

Related News:

EagleBio Spotlight: Endothelin

Eagle Biosciences Introduces Endothelin 1-21 and Big Endothelin-1 ELISA Kit


Catecholamine Sensitive Assays: Product Highlights

Eagle Biosciences’ Catecholamine Sensitive Assays: are the most sensitive catecholamine assays worldwide. These assays offer amazing flexibility by including an extraction plate and reagent set in each kit allowing for the use of a variety of sample types (serum, plasma, tissue, and other biological samples) and numerous different species. EagleBio’s Catecholamine Assays are robust tools for assisting researchers at the forefront of neurobiology and catecholamine-related research.

Catecholamines can be used to study numerous health conditions and disease states such as:

  • Tumors of the chromaffine system (pheochromocytoma, neuroblastoma, ganglio­neuroma).
  • Hypertension
  • Degenerative cardiac diseases
  • Schizophrenia
  • Manic-depressive psychosis

The measurement of Catecholamines is also important for studying the effectiveness of therapeutic drugs for the conditions listed above.

Dopamine Sensitive ELISA

For the quantitative and very sensitive determination of dopamine in biological samples including serum, plasma, tissue, and cell culture samples. Also appropriate for mouse/rat samples. Sample sizes as small as 20µl with detection limits to 5.9 pg/mL.

Dopamine & Noradrenaline Sensitive ELISA

For the quantitative and very sensitive determination of noradrenaline and dopamine in biological samples including serum, plasma, tissue, and cell culture samples. Sample sizes as small as 20µl with detection limits to 2.4 pg/ml for Noradrenaline and 4.9 pg/ml.

Noradrenaline Sensitive ELISA

For the quantitative and very sensitive determination of noradrenaline in biological samples including serum, plasma, tissue, and cell culture samples or even mouse/rat samples. Sample sizes as small as 20µl with detection limits to 1.0 pg/mL.

Adrenaline Sensitive ELISA

For the quantitative and very sensitive determination of adrenaline in biological samples including serum, plasma, tissue, and cell culture samples and even rodent samples. Sample sizes as small as 20µl with detection limits to 1.6 pg/mL.

Serotonin Sensitive ELISA

The Serotonin Ultrasensitive ELISA Assay Kit provides materials for the quantitative measurement of serotonin in low concentrated samples, for small sample volumes or for many different species samples.


Related News:

EagleBio’s Serotonin ELISA: A Rock Solid Assay and 5 Recent Citations you Should Not Miss

New Study Referencing EagleBio’s Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit

January 21, 2015- Eagle Biosciences Shares Some New Publications Across Multiple EagleBio Assay Kit Product Lines

July 5, 2012: Eagle Biosciences Introduces High Sensitive Catecholamine Assay Kits

Related Kits:

Adrenaline ELISA

Dopamine ELISA

Noradrenaline ELISA

Neurobiology Assay Kits


The Neurobiology Assay Kit Line offered Eagle Biosciences provides a comprehensive array of robust tools to measure catecholamines and numerous neuroscience-related analytes. Our Catecholamine Sensitive Assays: Dopamine Sensitive ELISA, Noradrenaline Sensitive ELISA, Adrenaline Sensitive ELISA, Serotonin Sensitive ELISA, and Dopamine & Noradrenaline Sensitive ELISA are the most sensitive catecholamine assays worldwide. These assays also offer amazing flexibility by including an extraction plate and reagent set in each kit allowing for the use of a variety of sample types (serum, plasma, tissue, and other biological samples) and numerous different species. 

Eagle Biosciences is pleased to offer a new promotion for our Catecholamine Sensitive Assays through the end of October.

Use the code below when ordering to receive a 30% Discount.

Promotional Code: CAT1030

Related News:

Catecholamine Sensitive Assays: Product Highlights

EagleBio’s Serotonin ELISA: A Rock Solid Assay and 5 Recent Citations you Should Not Miss

New Study Referencing EagleBio’s Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit

January 21, 2015- Eagle Biosciences Shares Some New Publications Across Multiple EagleBio Assay Kit Product Lines

July 5, 2012: Eagle Biosciences Introduces High Sensitive Catecholamine Assay Kits

Related Kits:

Adrenaline ELISA

Dopamine ELISA

Noradrenaline ELISA

Neurobiology Assay Kits

Catecholamine Assay Kits


Several recent studies have been performed utilizing a kit from our Neurobiology Assay Kit line. The Neurobiology Assay Kit line offered Eagle Biosciences provides a comprehensive array of sensitive tools to measure catecholamines and numerous neuroscience-related analytes on various types of samples. Check the product pages for full details on the kit or view the links below to find a new publications referencing our Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit.


Recent Citations

1. Amat, M. et. al. “Differences in serotonin levels between agressive English Cocker Spaniels and agressive dogs of other breeds.”Journal of Vetinary Behavior 2010: 4(1): 46.

2. Amat, Me. et. al ” Differences in serotonin serum concentration between aggressive English cocker spaniels and aggressive dogs of other breeds.”Journal of Veterinary Behavior 2013: 8, 19-25.


Study Summary (1 & 2 above):

Scientists tested the theory that English cocker spaniels(ECS)  have lower serum serotonin
than do aggressive dogs of other breeds. Eaglebio’s
Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit was used to measures serotonin levels in the serum of the canines being studied. It was found that ECSs do in fact have lower serum serotonin
than do aggressive dogs of other breeds making ECS a potential good model to study the neurophysiological mechanisms
underlying impulsive aggression.


3. Leon, Marta et. al. “Assessment of serotonin in serum, plasma, and platelets of aggressive dogs.”Journal of Veterinary Behavior 2012: 7, 348-352.

Study Summary:

Researchers’ objective for this study was (1) to assess the suitability of different types of blood samples for measuring circulating
serotonin in canine clinical studies, and (2) to investigate the relationship between the serotonergic system
and canine aggression. Eaglebio’s Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit was used to measures serotonin levels in serum, plasma, and platelets in the canine cohort.  The results revealed that the mean serotonin concentration in aggressive dogs was significantly lower than in nonaggressive
dogs in all the assayed samples.


4. Rosado, B. et. al. “Blood concentrations of serotonin, cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone in aggressive dogs.”Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2010: 123, 124–130.

Study Summary:

Researchers sought to perform an in-depth investigation of the biological basis of aggression in canine to provide new and improved diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for this frequent problem. Eaglebio’s Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit was used to measure serotonin levels in the serum of the canines being studied.  Aggressive animals showed significantly higher plasma
concentrations of cortisol than non-aggressive dogs suggesting that aggressive dogs might differ
from non-aggressive dogs in the activities of the serotonergic system and the HPA axis.


5.Rosado, B. et. al. “Effect of fluoxetine on blood concentrations of serotonin, cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone in canine aggression.” J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 34, 430–436.

Study Summary:

The objective of this study was to assess the effect of a 30-day-long fluoxetine treatment on the
peripheral serotonergic system and the HPA axis in canine aggression. EagleBio’s Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit was used to measure concentrations of serum serotonin. Other analytes such as plasma cortisol and
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) were also quantified in a group of aggressive and non-aggressive dogs. The results revealed that treatment of aggressive dogs caused a drop in serum 5-HT concentrations in both
groups, supporting the hypothesis that the peripheral serotonergic
system in canine species is sensitive to drugs that work
upon the central serotonergic system.

Related News:

New Study Referencing EagleBio’s Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit

EagleBio Assay Kits in Several New Publications

January 21, 2015- Eagle Biosciences Shares Some New Publications Across Multiple EagleBio Assay Kit Product Lines

Related Kits:

Neurobiology Assay Kits

Catecholamine Assay Kits

A recent video titled, Immune System- Natural Killer Cells shared on Labroots demonstrates the unique and vital biological role that the natural killer cells (NK cells) have on overall health and its intricacies with the human body.  The complexity of these cells and their powerful impact on the innate immune system are what make these cells so interesting.  

NK cells are a type of cytotoxic lymphocyte its role in immunity is similar to that of cytotoxic T cells in the adaptive immune response. NK cells provide rapid responses to viral-infected cells and respond to tumor formation by releasing their toxins without having to recognize specific antigen before destroying the infected cell.  Hence, these cells are called natural killers. Typically, immune cells detect major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on infected cell surfaces, thus triggering cytokine release, causing cell lysis or cell death (apoptosis).  NK cells are unique because they can recognize stressed cells in the absence of antibodies or MHC which creates a quicker immune response.  Learn more

image above from

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Human MICA ELISA Assay Kit

Cytokine ELISA Assay Kits

Immunology Assay Kits

Cancer Biomarker Assay Kits

Endocrinology Assay Kits

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