Rodent IGFBP-2 ELISA Assay


This Rodent IGFBP-2 ELISA Assay is suited for measuring IGFBP-2 in mouse and rat serum for scientific purposes. The Mouse/Rat IGFBP-2 ELISA Assay Kit is for Research Use Only.

Rodent IGFBP-2 ELISA Assay

The Rodent IGFBP-2 ELISA Assay is For Research Use Only

Size: 1×96 wells
Sensitivity: 0.01 ng/ml
Incubation Time: 3 hours
Sample Type: Serum from rat and mouse
Sample Size: 10 µL
Alternative Name: Mouse/Rat IGFBP-2, Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 2
Product is manufactured by Mediagnost

Assay Principle

The Mouse/Rat IGFBP-2 ELISA, is a so-called sandwich-assay. It utilizes two different specific high affinity polyclonal antibodies for this protein. The IGFBP-2 in the samples binds quantitatively to the immobilized antibody. In the following step, the biotinylated antibody in turn binds IGFBP-2. After washing, a streptavidin-peroxidase-enzyme conjugate will be added, which will bind highly specific to the biotin of the antibody. Subsequently, the peroxidase catalyzes an enzymatic reaction resulting in a blue coloration. The intensity of the blue color depends on the IGFBP-2 content of the sample. The reaction is stopped by the addition of stop solution and color intensity is quantified by measuring the absorption.

Sample stability

  • In firmly closable sample vials
  • Storage at 4°C:max 3 Days
  • Freeze/-thaw cycles: max.5

It is recommended to store samples as soon as possible at least at 4°C. For any long time storage the sample has to be kept frozen at -20°C. Samples were kept frozen and freeze-thaw cycles were applied. Up to 5 freeze-thaw cycles did not change the measured IGFBP-2 concentration significantly.

Hemoglobin in the sample do not interfere to a concentration of 5 mg/mL. However, the use of hemolytic, lipemic or icteric samples should be validated by the user.

Related Products

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Additional Information

Assay Background

Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) regulate the proliferation, differentation, apoptosis, cell adhesion and metabolism in various tissues and cell types IGFBP-2 is an unglycosylated polypetide of 31.3 kDa, which forms binary IGF-complexes and shows no circadian rhythm in the circulation. The serum concentration of IGFBP-2 increases in fasting, after major surgery and after trauma, but the increase of the concentration is most intensive in malignant diseases. The correlation of the IGFBP-2 level to the degree of progression is a striking feature in various tumor types as is the normalization of the IGFBP-serum levels after remission (5-10). During the GH-therapy, e.g. in short stature and in GH-abuse (doping) the IGFBP-2 level decreases. In Trisomy 18 IGFBP-2 in maternal serum is decreased and IGFBP-1 is increased; therefore the ratio IGFBP-2 /IGFBP-1 is a marker for this chromosome abnormality (17). Transgenic organisms are a good opportunity to investigate the function of genes or proteins. The mouse or rat model is a well-suited system for investigation of the relevance of IGFBP-2 in physiological and pathological processes. Overexpression of the IGFBP-2 gene in mice results in a weight reduction of 30% in spleen and moderately reduced weight in other organs (18). Effects of IGFBP-2 on the organism can be compensated through the modified expression of other IGF Binding proteins. Especially in tumor biology, the mouse and rat systems enable investigation of the systemic relevance of IGFBP-2. IGFBP-2 influences tumor cells as it induces catalase activity in adrenocortical cells (19). Furthermore, IGFBP-2 interacts with tumor cells via its RGD-amino acid sequence and seems to stimulate cell invasion of glioma cells (20).

Typical Standard Curve

Rodent IGFBP-2 ELISA Assay

Package Inserts

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Product Citations