HAV Antigen ELISA Assay


The HAV Antigen ELISA Assay is an enzyme immunoassay and identifies Hepatitis A virus in stool and cell culture. The Eagle Biosciences Anti-HAV Antigen ELISA Assay Kit is for research use only.

HAV Antigen ELISA Assay

The HAV Antigen ELISA Assay is For Research Use Only

Size: 1×96 wells
Incubation Time: 4.5 hours
Sample Type: Stool, Cell Culture
Sample Size: 50 uL
Sensitivity: ELISA-negative samples nevertheless can contain HAV particles.
Specificity: 91% of the elisa-positive samples were also HAV-PCR positive. Cross reactivity is not known.
cut-off: 16% CV intra-assay
positive control: 3.5% CV intra-assay

Manufactured by Mediagnost

Assay Principle

The Eagle Biosciences specimens are pipetted into wells of a microtiter plate previously coated with antibodies directed against HAV. The HAV antigen binds to the fixed antibody and after the incubation period of two hours at 37°C the plate is washed thoroughly.Bound HAV antigen is identified by conjugate addition (monoclonal anti-HAV, peroxidase conjugated) incubated for another two hours at 37°C. Excess conjugate is removed by washing and the substrate is added. After 30 minutes incubation at room temperature the reaction is terminated by adding stop solution. The blue colour of a positive reaction turns to yellow and is measured in a microplate reader at 450 nm. The intensity of the colour indicates the concentration of bound HAV antigen.  A positive reaction must be confirmed by neutralising with anti-HAV serum to discriminate false positive reactions which sometimes occurs in stool.

All materials must be stored at 2-8 °C in the dark. Unused microtiter plate strips have to be stored airtight together with the desiccant bag at 2-8°C. The shelf-life of the components after opening is not affected, if used appropriately.

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Additional Information

Assay Background

A positive identification of Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) in human stool indicates a fresh and contagious infection with HAV. The passing begins about two weeks before the icteric phase of the disease and reached a peak after about one week before icterus. With the beginning of the icteric phase, the HAV passing drops steeply but HAV antigen could be found in the stool of some, not all, humans two weeks after onset of icterus.  The detection of HAV in specimen other than stool is also possible with the Eagle Biosciences HAV-Antigen ELISA Assay Kit, for example in lysates of HAV infected cells or in culture supernatants. If necessary the specimen must be concentrated before testing (ultrafiltration i.e.). Specimen with high or low pH, high salt or detergens concentration should be dialysed against phosphate buffered saline (PBS).

HAV Antigen ELISA Assay

Package Inserts

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