SDMA (Symmetric Dimethylarginine) ELISA is for Research Use


Biosciences’ Oxidative Stress Assay Kit Line which is a comprehensive group
consisting of a numerous valuable products for assisting scientists in fields
of research such as diabetes, cancer, aging, and other similar areas of study.
Our SDMA (Symmetric Dimethylarginine) ELISA is one of the unique assays in the
this Oxidative Stress Assay Kit Line that offers a variety of advantages
over competing kits such as excellent specificity, sensitivity, and excellent
correlation to LC-MS/MS.

Why Measure SDMA (Symmetric

SDMA is a
methylated derivative and structural isomer of the amino acid L-arginine
(symmetric dimethylarginine). SDMA is eliminated from the body exclusively by
renal excretion; therefore this analyte is closely related to renal function
[1]. There have been several studies that have produced data suggesting that
SDMA correlates well with parameters of renal function, in both humans and
rodents [2]. It is important for researchers to measure SDMA and for it to be
studied further as there has been evidence in recent publications that it is a
more reliable and earlier indicator of chronic kidney disease (CKD) than other
analytes such as creatine [3]

Key Advantages of EagleBio’s SDMA
(Symmetric Dimethylarginine) ELISA:

  • Excellent specificity
  • High Sensitivity
  • Excellent correlation to LC-MS/MS
  • Wide dynamic Range


  • 1.Bode-Böger
    et al. Symmetrical Dimethylarginine: A new combined parameter for renal
    function and extent of coronary artery disease J. Am. Soc. Nephrol; 2006 (17): 1128-1134.
  • 2.Kielstein J.T., Salpeter S.R.; Bode-Böger S.M., Cooke
    J.P., Fliser D. Symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) as endogenous marker of renal
    function – a meta-analysis Nephrol. Dial. Transplant (2006) 21: 2446 – 2451.
  • 3.Yerramilli M et al. Symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA)
    increases earlier than serum creatinine in dogs with chronic kidney disease
    (CKD). [ACVIM Abstract NU-42]. J Vet
    Intern Med.

Related Products:

Cardiovascular Assay Kits

(Asymmetric Dimethylarginine) / Arginine ELISA Assay KItADMA
Ultrasensitive ELISA Assay KitHomoarginine
ELISA Assay Kit Cardiovascular
Assay Kits

Related News:

September 2015: Eagle
Biosciences Introduces New Fast ADMA ELISA Assay

EagleBio Biomarker Spotlight: ADMA

New Listing of ADMA Assay Publications

August 4, 2011: Eagle Biosciences
Introduces ADMA ELISA Product Line

A father's diet affects his offspring's genetic code

Image Credit:

Our genes make us. They decide our height, the sound of our voice, and even how athletic we are. We’ll always have the same set of genes throughout our lives. However, specific ones will activate or deactivate depending on what we do, consume, and experience on a daily basis.

(Source: )

Fighting hospital germs with sugar

Sweet spot for therapeutic antibodies: the illustration above shows the three-dimensional structure of the sugar molecule PS-I of C. difficile (orange: carbon; red: oxygen; white: hydrogen).Credit: MPI of Colloids and Interfaces

A vaccine against one of the most dangerous hospital germs may soon be available. Scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam and the Freie Universität Berlin have developed a substance that elicits an immune response against the gut bacterium Clostridium difficile. The potential vaccine resembles the sugar structures presented on the surface of the bacterium and therefore primes the immune system to recognize the pathogen itself.C. difficile infects a large proportion of patients in hospitals and kills around 15,000 people a year in the USA alone. Doctors could treat the infection with antibiotics, but the bacterium mutates constantly, allowing it to escape the effects of the drugs. The discovery by the Max Planck researchers may pave the way for developing inexpensive and effective vaccines and drugs against C. difficile.


EagleBio is happy to announce some new assays to our Endocrinology product line. We are now offering urocortin assays for testing mouse and rat serum or plasma.

Urocortin 2 (Ucn 2), also known as stresscopin-related peptide, is a novel predicted neuropeptide related to corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF).(3)


Why Measure Urocortin (Ucn2)?

  • Ucn 2 had been used in cardiovascular reseach related to treat ischemic heart disease because of because of its potent cardioprotective effect in the mouse heart (1).
  • Ucn 2 has also been used in bone metabolism and muscled wasting disease research related to loss of skeletal muscle mass resulting from disuse due to casting, corticosteroid treatment, and nerve damage. It has been discovered that Ucn 2 can increase skeletal muscle mass and force (2).
  • Mouse urocortin 2 (Ucn 2) is a new peptide and its physiological significance has not yet been fully elucidated. Experimental data presented to date provided evidence that there are important physiologic roles of Ucn 2 thus there is a great need for further investigation for various areas of research and points of view.


Eagle Biosciences Urocortin Assays:









1. Brar BK. (2004) Urocortin II and urocortin III are cardioprotective against ischemia reperfusion injury: an essential endogenous cardioprotective role for corticotropin releasing factor receptor type 2 in the murine heart. Endocrinology., 145, 24-35

2. Hinkle RT. (2003) Urocortin II treatment reduces skeletal muscle mass and function loss during atrophy and increases nonatrophying skeletal muscle mass and function. Endocrinology., 144, 4939-4946

3. Reyes TM. (2001) Urocortin II: a member of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) neuropeptide family that is selectively bound by type 2 CRF receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 98, 2843-2848

A new study published in the British Journal of Nutrition appears to back up the adage that a little of what you fancy does you good.

Including a small amount of chocolate each day could help prevent diabetes and insulin resistance. That’s one of the research findings from the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH), the University of Warwick Medical School, the University of South Australia and the University of Maine. Read More

(Source: )


EagleBio's Histamine ELISA

Histamine ELISA is for Research Use Only.

EagleBio’s Histamine ELISA was recently utilized in a study byBrigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Histamine ELISA  a kit designed for the quantitative determination of histamine in plasma, urine, and cell culture. This assay is part of our Immunology Assay Kit line which is comprised of a unique,versatile set of products for a variety of applications, research, and fields of study.

New Publication:

Leptin Deficiency Shifts Mast Cells toward Anti-Inflammatory Actions and Protects Mice from Obesity and Diabetes by Polarizing M2 Macrophages 

Mast cells (MCs) contribute to the pathogenesis of obesity and diabetes. This study demonstrates that leptin deficiency slants MCs toward anti-inflammatory functions. MCs in the white adipose tissue (WAT) of lean humans and mice express negligible leptin. 



New Study by McGill University Health Centre: Increasing cases of anaphylaxis among children

Anaphylaxis, known to be a sudden and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction, seems to be increasing among children, according to a new study led by a team at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC). The findings, published this week in theJournal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (JACI), reveal that the percentage of emergency department (ED) visits due to anaphylaxis doubled over a four-year period based on data collected from the Montreal Children’s Hospital of the MUHC (MCH-MUHC). Read More


New Assays: Total Infliximab ELISA and Infliximab ELISA for measurement
in serum or plasma.

Nashua, NH April 25, 2016: Eagle Biosciences today announced the launch
of two new assays, Total
Infliximab ELISA , Infliximab
ELISA and Golimumab
(Simponi ®) ELISA Assay Kit. These
assays were developed and manufactured by Tani Medikal in its ISO 9001 and ISO
13485 certified production site. Tani
Medikal offers a variety of products for in
Diagnostics, medical devices, and medical equipment.

“Eagle is not only excited for this new partnership with Tani
Medikal but also eager to bring on more unique products like the Total
Infliximab ELISA , Infliximab
ELISA and Golimumab
ELISA assays. “said Dan Keefe, President of Eagle Biosciences. He continued, “These assays come from a new
comprehensive line of Drug & Anti-Drug ELISA kits, also known as
ImmunoGuide. All of these assays are sensitive,
fast, and require small sample volume.”

This product is currently for research use only. Check out the links below, visit the EagleBio
or call 866-411-8023 for full details.

Related Products:

(Remicade®) ELISA (mAb-based) Assay Kit

(Remicade®) Antibodies ELISA Assay Kit

(Simponi ®) ELISA Assay Kit

Assay Kits

Micro heart muscle created from stem cells

Image/ Video Credit: A unique dog bone-shaped dish helped heart cells created from iPSCs self-organize into three-dimensional, beating micro heart muscle. Video: Nathaniel Huebsch

Scientists at the Gladstone Institutes have invented a new way to create three-dimensional human heart tissue from stem cells. The tissue can be used to model disease and test drugs, and it opens the door for a precision medicine approach to treating heart disease. Although there are existing techniques to make three-dimensional tissues from heart cells, the new method dramatically reduces the number of cells needed, making it an easier, cheaper, and more efficient system. Read More
