Eagle announces the introduction of an Intact MMAF ADC ELISA Assay Kit to its line of existing Antibody Drug Kits. This Intact MMAE Kit is the first of its kind, allowing for the measurement of conjugated antibody in a variety of sample types.

What is MMAF (Monomethyl auristatin F)?

MMAF is a new type of targeted therapy for cancer treatment. It is a synthetic antineoplastic agent that is a toxic compound; when linked to a monoclonal antibody (mAb) it gets directed to cancer cells. This drug treatment targets tumors and inhibits their growth by blocking the polymerization of tubulin in the cell. Measuring circulating specific ADC’s is importatnt for pre-clinical and clinical studies for the discovery of unique, targeted, safer, effective cancer treatments.

Key Advantages to Eagle Biosciences’s Antibody Drug Conjugates Assays:

  • Excellent Sensitity
  • Simple Procedure
  • Wide Dynamic Range
  • Quick Results: Under 3 hours
  • Versatile: multiple sample types and species

Related Kits:

MMAF Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ELISA Assay Kit

MMAE Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ELISA Assay Kit

Intact MMAE ADC ELISA Assay Kit

image by Bru-nO pixaby

A women with late stage breast cancer, given less than five years to live, participates in an experimental T-cell immunotherapy. After several rounds of failed chemotherapy, this experimental trial used the women’s own immune cells to target and fight off the tumor, leaving her cancer free for two years. 

This new therapy, though still experimental and expensive, shows a promising outlook for helping other patients with metastatic breast cancer, and other cancers such as prostate and ovarian cancer.

Read More. 

[1]. Sample, Ian, and Jessica Glenza. “Doctors Hail World First as Woman’s Advanced Breast Cancer Is Eradicated.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 4 June 2018.

Eagle announces the introduction of an Intact MMAE ADC ELISA Assay Kit to its line of existing Antibody Drug Kits. This Intact MMAE Kit is the first of its kind, allowing for the measurement of conjugated antibody in a variety of sample types.

What is MMAE (Monomethyl auristatin E)?

MMAE is a new type of targeted therapy for cancer treatment. It is a synthetic antineoplastic agent that is a toxic compound; when linked to a monoclonal antibody (mAb) it gets directed to cancer cells. This drug treatment targets tumors and inhibits their growth by blocking the polymerization of tubulin in the cell. Measuring circulating specific ADC’s is importatnt for pre-clinical and clinical studies for the discovery of unique, targeted, safer, effective cancer treatments.

Key Advantages to Eagle Biosciences’s Antibody Drug Conjugates Assays:

  • Excellent Sensitity
  • Simple Procedure
  • Wide Dynamic Range
  • Quick Results: Under 3 hours
  • Versatile: multiple sample types and species

Related Kits:

MMAE Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ELISA Assay Kit

We at Eagle Biosciences, Inc are Proud to Announce an Exclusive Partnership with Kyowa Medex Co., Ltd from Tokyo, Japan!


MedFrontier FGF-23 provides a simpler and quicker assay procedure that yields a broader dynamic range than it’s competitors 


About the NEW MedFrontier FGF23 ELISA Kit…

MedFrontier FGF-23 is a sandwich ELISA kit that measures only intact/active forms of FGF23. Manufactured by Kyowa Medex Co. of Tokyo, Japan, the MedFrontier FGF23 is the only kit of its kind. Studying intact FGF23 has shown to provide greater accuracy when researching the importance of this protein.

Dynamic Range 15-3000 pg/mL
Incubation Time ~2 hours
Sample Size 20 µL
Sample Type Serum

What is FGF23?

Fibroblastic Growth Factor 23 (FGF23) is a hormone that is secreted by osteoblasts with the bones. This protein works primarily with the kidneys to help regulate levels of phosphate within the bloodstream via signals for removal or reabsorbtion. The parathyroid and digestive system also aid in phosphates homeostasis within the body. The kidneys remove excess phosphate through waste, and reabsorbs it via the small intestines when needed.

Why Measure FGF23?

Phosphate plays a critical role in the formation and growth of bones in children and maintaining strength in adults. If there is an imbalance of FGF23 within the bloodstream, it can cause hyper- and hypophosphatemia. These conditions have been linked to Rickets, osteomalacia, and impaired renal function to name a few.


EagleBio’s Adrenaline, Nonadrenaline, and Dopamine ELISA Assay, was recently used in an environmental study. This assay is a part of our Neurobiology Assay Kit line which is comprised of a unique set of products that can ve used in a variety of applications, research, and fields of study. Check out the product page for full details on this kit, or click the below to check out the new publications referencing our Adrenaline, Nonadrenaline, Dopamine ELISA Assay.

Egorov, Andrey I., et al. “Vegetated land cover near residence is associated with reduced allostatic load and improved biomarkers of neuroendocrine, metabolic and immune functions.” Environmental Research, vol. 158, Oct. 2017, pp. 508-521., https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0013935117304826

“Greater exposure to urban green spaces has been linked to reduced risks of depression, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and premature death. Alleviation of chronic stress is a hypothesized pathway to improved health. Previous studies linked chronic stress with a biomarker-based composite measure of physiological dysregulation known as allostatic load.” Read More. 

image credit: www.the-scientist.com

In a recent study, mice injected with the genetic sequence for a monoclonal antibody survived after inoculation with a life-threatening bacterial disease. This opens many doors for a possibly cheaper and faster method of delivering monoclonal antibody treatments to patients.

Ken Stover, a microbiologist at AstraZeneca subsidiary MedImmune, explains several advantages to this technique. “DNA is more readily manufacturable than protein antibodies,” he says, and so “the time to produce [a] drug may be quicker; DNA can hang around a while and continue to express the monoclonal antibody, hopefully at levels that are more sustainable.” 

Read More

A. Patel et al., “An engineered bispecific DNA-encoded IgG antibody protects against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a pneumonia challenge model,” Nature Communications, 8:637, 2017.

C. Offord et al., “DNA-Delivered Antibodies Fight Off Lethal Bacteria Infection.” The Scientist, 3 Oct 2017.

image credit: www.iflscience.com

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative autoimmune disorder, that occurs when the immune system attacks the myelin around nerve cells. Two different recent studies may have found a link between the microbial biome in the gut and the progression of MS. The studies, conducted by University of California San Diego and the Max Planck Institute in Germany, found differences in the gut bacteria of patients with MS and patients without. These different strains triggered cells to be pro-inflammatory. Learn More Here.

Cekanaviciutea, Egle, et al. “Gut bacteria from multiple sclerosis patients modulate human T cells and exacerbate symptoms in mouse models.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy Sciences.

image credit: https://medicine.wustl.edu

The Zika virus, which can cause devastating damage to the brains of developing fetuses could one day be developed to effectively treat glioblastoma, a deadly brain cancer. The Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the University of California San Diego School of Medicine conducted some research that shows that the virus kills brain cancer stem cells, the type of cell most resistant to treatments. 

Bhandari, Tamara. “Zika virus kills brain cancer stem cells.” Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, 5 Sept. 2017, medicine.wustl.edu/news/zika-virus-kills-brain-cancer-stem-cells/.

EagleBio’s Calprotectin ELISA was recently used in a study done by the University of North Carolina. This assay is a part of our Gastrointestinal Assay Kit line which is comprised of a unique set of products that can be used in a variety of applications, research, and fields of study. Check out the product page for full details on this kit, or click the link below to view the new publication referencing out Calprotectin ELISA Assay.

Becker-Dreps, Sylvia,
Samuel Vilchez, Filemon Bucardo, Erica Twitchell, Wan Suk Choi, Michael G.
Hudgens, Johann Perez, and Lijuan Yuan. “The Association Between Fecal
Biomarkers of Environmental Enteropathy and Rotavirus Vaccine Response in
Nicaraguan Infants.” The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal36.4
(2017): 412-16. Web. 

“Environmental enteropathy (EE) is a common intestinal condition among children living in low- and middle-income countries and is associated with diminished enteric immunity to gastrointestinal pathogens, and possibly to oral vaccine antigens. The goal of this study was to examine associations between biomarkers of EE and immunogenicity to the pentavalent rotavirus vaccine (RV5).” Read More.

image credit: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/

Scientists from the University of Birmingham and Norwich Research Park have discovered a link between a major mechanism of antibiotic resistance and resistance to the disinfectant triclosan which is commonly found in domestic products.

“Given the prevalence of triclosan and other antimicrobials in the environment, a greater understanding of the impact they can have on bacteria and how exposure to these antimicrobials may impact the selection and spread of clinically relevant antibiotic resistance is needed.” – Professor Laura Piddock, of the Institute of Microbiology and Infection at the University of Birmingham

“New Study Links Antibiotic Resistance to Common Household Disinfectant Trisoclan .” University of Birmingham, 03 July 2017. Web. 11 July 2017.