Relaxin ELISA Assay Kit


The Eagle Biosciences Relaxin ELISA Assay Kit is an enzyme immunoassay intended for the quantitative determination of Relaxin in serum, plasma, urine, seminal plasma and tissue samples. For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Relaxin ELISA Assay Kit

Relaxin ELISA Assay Kit manufactured in Germany by Immundiagnostik

Size: 1×96 wells
Standard Range: 3.1-250 pg/ml
Incubation Time: Overnight (16-22h); 2h; 1h; 20-30min
Sample Type: Serum, Plasma, Urine,Seminal plasma, Tissue
Sample Size: 100 µL
For Research Use Only
Controls Included

Assay Background

Relaxin is a peptide hormone with a molecular weight of 6500 Da that belongs to the insulin family. Its main function is the relaxation of smooth musculature. Because of the increased relaxin levels during ovulation and pregnancy most of the knowledge about its physiological properties is gained in the field of gynecology and reproductive sciences. Recently, novel sites of relaxin action have been recognised. In particular, it has been shown that relaxin: (i) promotes dilation of blood vessels in several organs and tissues, including the uterus, the mammary gland, the lung and the heart; (ii) has a chronotropic action on the heart; (iii) inhibits the stimulation of endothelin-1, the most potent vasoconstrictor in heart failure; (iv) inhibits the re-lease of histamine by mast cells, thus being able to counteract experimental allergic asthma; (v) depresses aggregation of platelets and their release by megakaryocytes; (vi) influences the secretion of hormones by the pituitary gland; and (vii) contributes to the regulation of fluid balance. Specific G protein-coupled receptors for relaxin, LGR7 and LGR8, have been found in the brain (interaction with ADH-secretion), uterus and heart (effect on the heart frequency). Dschietzig et al. (2004) report that relaxin acts as a glucocorticoid-receptor-agonist. Recent publications describe a relationship between relaxin and oxidative stress. Bani et al. (1997) and Nistri (2003) demonstrate, that relaxin added to reperfusion solutions protects myocardial tissue of ischemic rat hearts against oxidative damage. Moreover, the production of malondialdehyde (degradation product dur-ing lipid oxidation) and myeloperoxidase (marker for the activity of granulocytes) has been significantly reduced. As a result, reduced damage of the myocardial tissue during ischemia/reperfusion, and as a consequence, reduced death rates have been observed. Finally, Hocher et al. (2004) found relaxin as an independent risk factor predicting death in a survey of 245 male patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) on chronic hemodialysis.

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Additional Information

Assay Principle

This ELISA is designed for the quantitative determination of relaxin. The assay utilises the “sandwich” technique with two selected polyclonal antibodies that bind to human Realxin. Assay standards, controls and pre-diluted patient samples which are assayed for human Relaxin are added into the wells of a microplate coated with a high affine polyclonal anti-human Relaxin antibody. During the first incubation step, Relaxin is bound by the immobilised antibody. Then a detection antibody, biotin-labelled anti Relaxin, is added. Afterwards a peroxidase-conjugate is added into each microtiter well and a “sandwich” of capture antibody – human Relaxin – detection antibody– peroxidase-conjugate is formed. Tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) is used as peroxidase substrate. Finally, an acidic stop solution is added to terminate the reaction. The col-our changes from blue to yellow. The intensity of the yellow colour is directly pro-portional to the concentration of Relaxin. A dose response curve of the absorbance unit (optical density, OD at 450 nm) vs. concentration is generated using the values obtained from the standard. Relaxin present in the patient samples is determined directly from this curve.

Package Inserts

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