NPC-REAAD EBV Early Antigen Antibody ELISA


NPC-REAAD EBV Early Antigen Antibody ELISA Assay Kit (Nasopharyngeal Cancer – Recombinant Antigen-Antibody Detection) is intended for qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of IgA antibodies to Epstein Barr Virus in human serum. The test utilizes Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) specific proteins to aid in the determination.  A number of publications have demonstrated a correlation with EBV antibody response, in particular an IgA response and NPC.

SKU: NE0420EA1 Categories: , ,

NPC-REAAD EBV Early Antigen Antibody ELISA

The NPC-REAAD EBV Early Antigen Antibody ELISA is For Research Use Only

Size: 1×96 wells
Sensitivity: 103 RU
Standard Range: 103 – 127 RU
Incubation Time: 1.25 hours
Sample Type: Serum
Sample Size: 100 µl
Alternative Names: Nasopharyngeal Cancer, Epstein Barr Virus, EBV EA IgA

Controls Included

Assay Principle

Recombinant NPC-specific antigens are bound onto the microwells. Antibodies that are specific to these antigens, if present in diluted human serum, will bind to the antigens on the solid phase, forming antigen-antibody complexes. A combination of the 4 main polypeptides is used. This combination of the polypeptides has shown to be broadly reactive with NPC patient serum. Any excess antibody is removed through washing. Anti-human IgA conjugated with horseradish peroxidase then binds to the antigen-antibody complexes. Excess conjugate is removed by washing. Substrate Developer TMB (tetramethylbenzidine) forms a blue color in the presence of the bound conjugate.

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Additional Information

Assay Background

Nasopharyngeal Cancer (NPC) is closely associated with the infection of Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), a virus belonging to the Herpes Virus family. The virus has also been implicated in diseases such as Infectious Mononucleosis (IM), Burkitt’s lymphoma and Hodgkin’s disease. NPC-REAAD™ uses 4 highly NPC-specific polypeptides generated by DNA recombinant technology to detect the presence of EBV proteins known to be associated with NPC. These polypeptides are known as EA-D, RR-L RR-S and the other is a novel proprietary protein discovered by Restalyst during development of NPC-REAAD™. Studies have shown that their combined specificity to NPC patients’ serum increased significantly, enabling discrimination of NPC from non-NPC samples. The Test uses an arbitrary unit of measurement known as REAAD™-units (RU). A variety of commercial assays are available to detect acute or chronic EBV infections based on anti-EBV IgG, IgM or IgA antibodies against antigens such as VCA, EA and EBNA-1.

Package Inserts

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