MedFrontier Intact FGF23 Assay


The MedFrontier FGF23 (Human Intact FGF23) CLEIA ELISA Assay is a sandwich CLEIA that measures ONLY the full-length active form (intact form). FGF23 is being researched in the context of X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets, mineral bone disorder (MBD), chronic kidney disease (CKD), tumor-induced osteomalacia and hyperphosphatemia. MedFrontier FGF23 is for Research Use Only and is not intended for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.

MedFrontier Intact FGF23 Assay

The MedFrontier Intact FGF23 Assay is For Research Use Only

Size:  1×96 wells
Dynamic Range:  10 – 3000 pg/mL
Incubation Time:  2.5 Hours
Sample Type:  Serum
Sample Size: 20 μL
Alternative Name: Human Intact FGF23, Intact FGF23 CLEIA

Sample collection & handling

    • Use only fresh serum samples or serum samples that were frozen on the day of collection.
    • Centrifuge serum samples before use, if precipitates are observed.
    • Keep serum samples frozen below -20°C if they are not used on the day of collection.
    • Avoid freezing and thawing more than 5 times.
    • The use of FGF23 Control L & H along with serum sample is recommended for quality control.

Assay Principle

This sandwich ELISA kit uses two anti-human FGF23 mouse monoclonal antibodies. When serum is added to a plate well coated with anti-human FGF23 mouse monoclonal antibodies, FGF23 is captured by the immobilized antibodies (1st reaction). After the 1st reaction, the plate is washed. Then, ALP-labeled anti-human FGF23 mouse monoclonal 2nd antibodies against FGF23 react to FGF23 antigens captured by the immobilized antibodies (2nd reaction). After the 2nd reaction, the plate is washed and light detection is performed after adding the luminescence reagent. Each active well of the plate is measured using a luminescence microplate reader and relative light units (RLU) are obtained. The concentration of FGF23 in serum is calculated with a standard curve generated using the FGF23 Standard 1 to 6.

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Additional Information

Assay Background

FGF23 (Fibroblast Growth Factor 23) is a protein belonging to the fibroblast growth factor family. FGF23 is involved in the regulation of phosphorus metabolism. FGF23 has a molecular weight of approximately 32 kDa. FGF23 is produced in bone cells. In vivo, FGF23 is secreted into circulation. A full-length active FGF23 protein may undergo proteolytic cleavage to generate an inactive c-terminal fragment. This mechanism is thought to play a key role in controlling the concentration of circulating bioactive FGF23 in vivo.

Assay Procedure

  1. Add 80 μL of Sample Dilution solution to each well of the Monoclonal Antibody (MAb)-Coated MicrotiterPlate and 20 μL each of FGF23 Standard 1 to 6, FGF23 Control L & H, or serum samples.
  2. Seal the plate and set it aside for 90 minutes at room temperature (18–25°C).
  3. After 90 minutes, remove the plate seal, aspirate the reaction solution, and wash each well 5 timeswith 500 μL of Wash Buffer. It is recommended to overflow the wells with wash buffer.
  4. Add 100 μL of ALP-Labeled Monoclonal Antibody (MAb) Reagent to each well. Seal the plate and set itaside for 90 minutes at room temperature (18–25°C).
  5. After 90 minutes, remove the plate seal, aspirate the reaction solution, and wash each well 5 timeswith 500 μL of Wash Buffer. It is recommended to overflow the wells with wash buffer.
  6. Add 100 μL of ALP Substrate (LumigenTM APS-5) solution to each well, and block out light for 1 minuteat room temperature (18–25°C).
  7. Measure relative light units (RLU) within 10 minutes.

Typical Standard Curve

FGF23 ELISA Standard Curve

Package Inserts

Please note: All documents above are for reference use only and should not be used in place of the documents included with this physical product. If digital copies are needed, please contact us.

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