FGF23 C-Terminal ELISA Kit


The FGF23 (Fibroblast Growth Factor 23) ELISA Assay Kit is intended for the quantitative determination of FGF23 in serum or plasma. The Eagle Biosciences FGF23 (Fibroblast Growth Factor 23) ELISA Assay Kit is for research use only and not to be used in clinical, therapeutic or diagnostic procedures.

FGF23 C-Terminal ELISA Kit

FGF23 C-Terminal ELISA Kit Developed and Manufactured in Austria by Biomedica

Size: 1×96 wells
Sensitivity: 0.1 pmol/L
Dynamic Range: 0.2 – 20 pmol/L
Incubation Time: overnight
Sample Type: serum, citrate plasma, EDTA plasma or heparin plasma
Sample Size: 50 µL
Species: Human
Alternative Names: FGF 23, FGF-23, Fibroblast Growth Factor 23
For Research Use Only
Controls Included

Assay Principle

The FGF23 C-Terminal ELISA Kit is a sandwich enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of FGF23 in human serum and plasma samples. In a first step, standard/control/sample and detection antibody (biotinylated polyclonal rabbit anti-human FGF23) are pipetted into the wells of the microtiter strips, which are pre-coated with anti-human FGF23 antibody. FGF23 present in the standard/control/sample binds to the pre-coated antibody in the well and forms a sandwich with the detection antibody. In the washing step all non-specific unbound material is removed. In a second step, the conjugate (streptavidin-HRP) is pipetted into the wells and reacts with the detection antibody. After another washing step, the substrate (TMB, tetramethylbenzidine) is pipetted into the wells. The enzyme-catalyzed color change of the substrate is directly proportional to the amount of FGF23. This color change is detectable with a standard microtiter plate reader. A dose response curve of the absorbance (optical density, OD at 450 nm) vs. standard concentration is generated, using the values obtained from the standard. The concentration of FGF23 in the sample is determined directly from the dose-response curve. The FGF23 (C-terminal) immunoassay is an overnight, 96-well sandwich ELISA for the quantitative determination of FGF23 in human serum and plasma. The assay employs human serum-based standards to ensure the measurement of biologically reliable data. The FGF23 (C-terminal) kit uses antibodies with characterized binding affinities.

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Additional Information


This Eagle Biosciences FGF23 (Fibroblast Growth Factor 23) ELISA Assay Kit recognizes endogenous and recombinant human FGF23. The assay measures both intact and C-terminal fragments of FGF23 and validated for both serum and plasma according to ICH Q2. This assay demonstrates good correlation with existing ELISA methods.

Assay Principle

  1. All reagents and samples must be at room temperature (18-26°C) before use in the FGF23 ELISA Assay Kit.
  2. Mark position for BLANK/STD/SAMPLE/CTRL (Blank/Standard/Sample/Control) on the protocol sheet.
  3. Take microtiter strips out of the bag, take a minimum of one well as Blank. Store unused strips with desiccant at 2-8°C in the bag. Strips are stable until expiry date stated on the label.
  4. Pipette 50 µl STD/SAMPLE/CTRL (Standard/Sample/Control) in duplicate into respective well.
  5. Add 50 µl AB (biotinylated anti FGF23 antibody, green cap, green dye) into each well.
  6. Cover tightly and incubate over night (20-24 h) at room temperature (18-24°C).
  7. Aspirate and wash wells 5x with 300 µl diluted WASHBUF (Wash buffer, natural cap). Remove remaining WASHBUF by strongly tapping plate against paper towel after the last wash.
  8. Add 100 µl CONJ (Conjugate, amber cap) into each well.
  9. Cover tightly and incubate for 1 hour at room temperature (18-24°C) in the dark.
  10. Aspirate and wash wells 5x with 300 µl diluted WASHBUF (Wash buffer, natural cap). Remove remaining
  11. WASHBUF by strongly tapping plate against paper towel after the last wash.
  12. Add 100 µl SUB (Substrate, blue cap) into each well.
  13. Incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature (18-24°C) in the dark.
  14. Add 50 µl STOP (Stop solution, white cap) into each well.
  15. Measure absorbance immediately at 450 nm with reference 630 nm, if available.


Typical Standard Curve

fgf23-c-terminal-elisa-assay-typical standard-curve

Conversion factor: FGF23, C-terminal: 1 pg/ml = 0.133 pmol/l (MW: 7.52 kDa)

Package Inserts

Please note: All documents above are for reference use only and should not be used in place of the documents included with this physical product. If digital copies are needed, please contact us.

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