Anti-Human C4d Antibody


The Anti-Human C4d antibody is described by the majority of publications as an important marker in kidney transplantation but also in heart, liver, and other transplants. Circulating alloantibodies encounter the grafted endothelium as the first target. Living endothelial cells can rapidly eliminate bound antibodies from the cell surface by “capping”, “shedding” or “internalisation”. C4d is the degradation product of the activated complement factor C4, a component of the classical complement cascade, which is typically initiated by binding of antibodies to specific target molecules. Detection of C4d is regarded as an indirect sign, a “footprint” of an antibody response against the allograft.

SKU: BI-RC4D Categories: ,

Anti-Human C4d Antibody

The Anti-Human C4d Antibody is Developed and Manufactured in Austria by Biomedica

Quantity: 250 µl/vial
Source: Rabbit Polyclonal
Form: Liquid IgG fraction, purified by protein G chromatography
Immunogen: Synthetic peptide (15-mer peptide corresponding to aa 1242-1256 of C4) specific for human complement split product C4d coupled to KLH (keyhole limpet haemocyanine).
Specificity: The antibody will identify human complement split product C4d
Shelf Life: Expiration date stated on label.
For Research Use Only

Scientific Background

Circulating alloantibodies encounter the grafted endothelium as the first target. Living endothelial cells can rapidly eliminate bound antibodies from the cell surface by “capping”, “shedding” or “internalisation”.

C4d is the degradation product of the activated complement factor C4, a component of the classical complement cascade, which is typically initiated by binding of antibodies to specific target molecules. Detection of C4d is regarded as an indirect sign, a “footprint” of an antibody response against the allograft. The majority of publications describe C4d as an important biomarker in kidney transplantation but also in heart, liver, and other types of transplants.

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Additional Information


The antibody has been tested for use on paraffin sections and frozen sections of human tissue. Working protocol available. Recommended dilution for immunohistochemistry: 1:30 – 1:50 Pretreatment of slides by pressure cooking (5 minutes at +125°C in TRIS/EDTA buffer pH 8.5) is highly recommended for antigen retrieval.

Paraffin embedded tissue sections of Anti human C4d Antibody

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