
Nashua, NH: Eagle Biosciences announces the
product launch of a handful of robust kits including Free Beta HCG ELISA, PAPP-A ELISA, Calcitonin ELISA, Renin ELISA, and Troponin I ELISA. These assays were developed by Diametra in
Italy ( and will be great additions to our steroid hormone,
bone metabolism, and oxidative stress lines respectively. Diametra develops and manufactures innovative
products in target diagnostic segments such as autoimmune diseases, fertility,
and a wide variety of other research areas. They pride themselves on the quality of their products and providing top-notch
service thus aligning well with Eagle Biosciences’ goals and philosophies.

Free Beta HCG ELISA and the PAPP-A ELISA are very
sensitive and specific assays that provide quick results within a couple of
hours. These analytes provide tremendous value to pregnancy and fertility
research as a whole in terms of predicting abnormal pregnancy/disease states. The
third product launched is the Calcitonin ELISA which utilizes simultaneous capture
of an antigen by two monoclonal antibodies that provide the kit with excellent
specificity with no interferences from other hormones.Calcitonin is useful in several research
areas and has particular importance in research/diagnosis of medullary thyroid
cancer and the study of the pathophysiology of calcium and bone metabolism. Renin ELISA and Troponin ELISA, the last two
kits in the new cohort of products from Diametra offer a wide dynamic range and
excellent sensitivity.Together they
will provide accurate and valuable results to researchers studying hypertension
and myocardial damage respectively.

“It is always our goal to provide quality
products that meet researchers’ needs and these products from Diametra do just
that.” said Dan Keefe, President of EagleBio. He continued, “These assays all serve a unique purpose in a variety of
emerging areas of research and they certainly will complement their respective
product lines well.”

Eagle will be offering promotional pricing for
the Free Beta HCG ELISA, PAPP-A ELISA, Calcitonin ELISA, Renin ELISA, and
Troponin ELISA within the next few months. These products are currently for
research use only. Check out the Eagle website or call
866-411-8023 for full details.

New Listing of ADMA Assay Publications




With over 100 publications to date, the ADMA ELISA Assay kit offered by DLD Diagnostika and Eagle Biosciences has demonstrated that it is the clear gold standard assay for measuring ADMA.  Check out the product pages for full information, or find the link below to the complete listing:

  • ADMA ELISA Assay Kit
  • ADMA Ultrasensitive ELISA Assay Kit
  • Mouse / Rat ADMA ELISA Assay Kit


For a Full Listing of Publications utilizing these ADMA ELISA Assay kits, click on the link below:

ADMA ELISA Assay Kit Publications

Regenerating Cartilage from Nose to Knee Opens Many Doors.

Millions of
people suffer from osteoarthritis and/or joint disease.These diseases are caused by the loss of
articular cartilage within your joints which serve the purpose of providing
cushioning at the end of your bones.The
most common treatments for this are painful injections and joint replacements.
But recent research involving treating
cartilage defects with nasal septum cells
may bring hope to these patients.
Perhaps many of you out there are wondering…cells from nose to knee…what?! What
will they come up with next!?
Read more

10 Reasons to Keep Up with Your Vitamin D Levels

We spend so much time trying not to get sun exposure so we can prevent skin cancer only to find out that as a result we are not getting the vitamin D we need.

So what’s the deal? Are we going to become feeble with a lack of vitamin D? It turns out that not getting enough of this super vitamin could lead to several medical conditions/diseases. Read more

fact, here are 10 reasons to keep up your vitamin D


Several Types of Cancers

High Blood Pressure

Heart Disease



Chronic Muscle Pain

Bone Loss


Other Autoimmune Diseases Such as Multiple Sclerosis                                                          

And last but certainly NOT least…

Alzheimer’s and

In a recent study, individuals over age 65 had their Vitamin D levels tested and then they were followed for a number of years: 

this follow-up period, 171 of the participants developed dementia and 102
participants developed Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers found the
participants with low levels of vitamin D were 53% more likely to develop
dementia, and those who were severely deficient were 125% more likely, when
compared with participants with regular levels of vitamin D.
Read more

This research is intriguing because Alzheimer’s is killing more people each year, in fact even
more than prostrate cancer and breast cancer combined. Recent research in this area has revealed
that this disease is caused by a build up of abnormal proteins such as
beta-amyloids in the brain.This leads
researchers to believe that genetic testing (for APOE) for early intervention
and therapy that will either decrease amyloid-beta production or increase the
degradation of these proteins could be beneficial to these patients. Read more

Alzheimer’s is extremely
underfunded especially when compared to other areas of research.  Scientists are making some head way in this
area but the lack of funding is dramatically hindering the path to a cure.

So we ask all of you…Shall we tackle
this problem like supporters of the ALS foundation did with the Ice Bucket Challenge?

Using the right timing (we might need to let
the ice bucket challenge finish its course) and the right challenge it might
work! Let us know if you have any good
ideas for such a challenge and perhaps this time lets make it involve something other than water! It needs
to be quick and/or funny and powerful! Give us ideas! Ready, Set, Go!

And if you want to donate to the
Alzheimer’s Association
Click here

FGF-21 ELISA Promotion at EagleBio for August 2014

Product Discounts available through the end of August 2014:

Intact FGF-21 ELISA at a 30% discount:


Biosciences is pleased to introduce the first Intact FGF-21 ELISA assay kit
that truly measures the active human intact FGF-21 (1-181) with no cross
reaction to any FGF-21 fragments. Other assays that determine fragments of the
FGF-21 can overestimate the biological activity of the protein. The
physiological functions of FGF-21
require intact molecular structure and amino acid sequence in its N-terminal
and C-terminal region.

Code FGF0830 when ordering to take advantage of this discount.

Click here to view the:


Looking for work? The Tooth Fairy may be recruiting new talent.
Is it possible that the days of the tooth fairy visiting your house and leaving
your child money are over?! We may have to start paying her for her newly
acquired task. New research is being done to investigate the process of nerve
cells spontaneously forming into stem cells. Read more

This opens doors for a variety of emerging areas of research and therapies such
as Diabetes, spinal cord injuries, and several other diseases/medical conditions. One company has taken
advantage of this opportunity and has started offering a bank to store teeth
for those who may need or worry about needing stem cell therapy in the future. Read more

So I ask you… do we need to leave special instructions under our child’s
pillow for the Tooth Fairy if we want their teeth to be delivered to
Store-a-Tooth to become toothsicles?!

But in all seriousness, this is fascinating research that could lead to amazing medical breakthroughs.

EagleBio Product Discounts Available – July 2014

Product Discounts available through the end of July 2014:


The Vitamin D ELISA Assay Kit promotion is back for a short time!  A quality assay that measures both Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3 at 100%.  With excellent correlation to LC/MS, results can be determined in less than 3 hours.

Use Code VID0740 when ordering to receive a 40% discount.  One kit per customer is available at the discounted price.


Newly launched assays for measuring Total sLHCGR, as well as complexed LH-sLHCGR and hCG-sLHCGR are discounted to allow new customers to try one or all of these unique and important ELISA kits.  These new assays will help researchers learn more about the one receptor (LHCGR) and the two hormones (LH and hCG) it binds.  Preliminary studies indicates that these receptors can provide very unique information to fertility researchers that cannot be ascertained from other fertility biomarkers such as AMH.  

Use Code HOR0730 when ordering to receive a 30% discount.  One of each kit per customer is available at the discounted price.

Eagle Biosciences Expands Further into Research Market with Launch of New Website

July 1, 2014: Eagle Biosciences, Inc.
is pleased to announce the re-launch of a newly updated & fully-featured
website,  The
new site offers extensive scientific content including a new blog feature which
is updated frequently in support of EagleBio promotions and new products.  The website also offers informative Biomarker
Spotlights highlighting key biomarkers within their product catalog and a
new simplified ordering process to make check out quick and efficient.

Dan Keefe, President is excited about the launch
of Eagle Biosciences’ website. “This is a turning point for EagleBio as our new
website not only provides an updated look and feel, but it also truly connects
us to the research community in several ways through the expansion of our
scientific content and social media. The
changes that we have implemented help us to continue to meet our company
objective to quickly provide our customers with as much information as possible
so that they can make efficient, well-informed decisions.” Keefe concluded, “We
expect the website to continually evolve with the intention to provide
tremendous value to our customers.”

Eagle anticipates more changes coming to the
website in order to continue to improve and better meet customers’ needs. In
addition, Eagle Biosciences plans to be launching a quarterly newsletter, Eagle
iView, at the end of July 2014.  Eagle
iView is intended to update customers on new products, new biomarkers, hot
promotions, and interesting research in the field.

EagleBio Biomarker Spotlight:  Homoarginine




What is Homoarginine?

is a non-essential cationic amino acid, which is formed from lysine and it is a
precursor of nitric oxide (NO).  This
amino acid has been thought to be involved in increasing the availability of NO
which is the basis of its many roles including enhancing endothelial and myocardial
functions.In vitro and in vivo, Homoarginine shows characteristics similar to arginine. Epidemiological
investigations in two large independent cohorts, namely the German diabetes
dialysis (4D)  study and the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health
(LURIC)  study have identified homoarginine as useful predictor of cardiovascular
events and mortality.

In other recent
studies, a correlation of increasing homoarginine levels to increasing age was
noted when observing healthy children and adolescents. This age-dependent increase in plasma
concentration is theorized that it is caused as a result of gradual maturation
of the pathways controlling homoarginine metabolism.  Despite these results, homoarginine and
ornithine do not appear to be linked with carotid vascular structure in healthy
children and adolescents.

cardiovascular implications, homoarginine concentrations have also been found
to be directly correlated with kidney function and are significantly associated
with the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Low homoarginine
concentrations might be an early indicator of kidney failure and a potential
target for the prevention of disease progression but this theory needs further
exploration and investigation. The
results from Ravani et al. reveal that homoarginine could be a useful marker
for monitoring hemodialysis patients.  In
fact, these results may provide the foundation and basis of designing such clinical


Why Measure Homoarginine?

as described above has many roles and potential effects on various functions
and organs in the body as it has been demonstrated from numerous studies that
it has implications in endothelial, cardiovascular, and renal events. Other specific areas of research that
homoarginine metabolism have been linked to are ischemic strokes and pregnancy
pathologies such as preeclampsia.This analyte continues to be the focus of numerous studies and fields of


Related Kits:

Homoarginine ELISA Assay kit

Cardiovascular Assay Kits


  1. Choe, CU et al. “Homoarginine levels are regulated by
    L-arginine: glycine amidinotransferase and affect outcome: results from
    human and murine studies.” Circulation 2013; 128 (13): 1451-61.
  2. Drechler, Christiane et al. “Homoarginine and
    Progression of Chronic Kidney Disney: Results from the Mild to Moderate
    Kidney Disease Study.” PLOS One 2013; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0063560.
  3. Jazwinska-Kozuba et al. “Opposite Associations of
    Plasma Homoarginine and Ornithine with Arginine November 2013; 14,
    21819-21832in Healthy Children and Adolescents”. International Journal of
    Molecular Sciences.
  4. Khalil, AA et al. “Asymmetric dimethylarginine,
    arginine and Homoarginine at 11-13 weeks’ gestation and preeclampsia: a
    case-control study.” Journal of Human Hypertension, 2013; 27, 38-43.
  5. Marz, Winfried et al. “Homoarginine, Cardiovascular
    Risk, and Mortality.” Circulation , 2010; 112: 967-975.
  6. Meinitzer, Andreas et al. “Homoargine: a new
    cardiovascular risk marker in hemodialysis patients.” Journal of
    Laboratory Medicine 2011; 35(3): 153-159.
  7. Ravani, Pietro et al. “Homoarginine and Mortality in
    Pre-Dialysis in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Patients.”PLOS One 2013;
    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072694.g003.