
New “Tumor-in-a-Dish” Technique May Improve Chemo

A new method of testing a tumor’s response to anticancer drugs
has been developed by a team of engineers at Vanderbilt University in an effort
to improve breast cancer chemotherapy.
This method involves taking a small portion of cancerous tissue that is
removed from the patient during a biopsy, cutting them into chunks, targeting
them with a hit of anti-cancer drug, and then seeing how it responds through
fluorescence imaging. This brings a lot
of hope and potential for assisting doctors in providing the most effective and
least toxic form of chemotherapy before treatment begins for the patient. 
Read More

photo from:

November Promotion- Cardiac Biomarkers



Take Advantage of Our Promotion of the Month- 

on New Cardiac Biomarker Assays!


Don’t Miss Out! Hot Deals of the Month! 30% Discount on Select

Cardiac Biomarker Assays
(see below)

  • BNP Fragment ELISA
  • Endostatin ELISA
  • Big Endothelin-1 ELISA
  • Endothelin (1-21) ELISA



Eagle i-View Newsletter Q3 2014



View the latest information, products, and promotions from Eagle Biosciences in our Eagle i-View Newsletter. 



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Ebola: Bats Getting a Bad Rap in Impoverished Countries.

Bats have
always had a bad rap between their nocturnal nature and wealth of myths,
superstition, and gothic literature paints bats in mysterious and in a fearful
light. Contrary to popular myths, bats
seldom transmit disease to other animals or humans. In fact, all mammals can contract rabies but
less than 0.05% of bats that do carry rabies pose
little threat to people WHO DO NOT
. In addition, bats are
actually very important to the ecosystem, keeping insects in check and some actually acting as pollinators and seed dispersers. Bat droppings in caves are even useful
in supporting unique organisms, including bacteria useful in detoxifying
wastes, improving detergents and producing gasohol and antibiotics. Read More

So now we
have discussed how bats are important and that we should not fear them, let’s
discuss the situations in which they can be harmful. One of the greatest global health threats and
concerns is emerging diseases, which have never been seen before in humans or as with Ebola which appear sporadically
in new locations. Most emerging diseases
are zoonoses, meaning they are caused by pathogens that can jump from animals
into people. Bats host more than 65
pathogens with one of them being Ebola. Impoverished
nations have been hunting bats as a food source (bushmeat). Remember where we discussed
above that bats are not a typically a threat to those WHO DO NOT HANDLE THEM above? Read More

Image above from the

October 2014: Eagle Biosciences Introduces New Antibody Drug Conjugate ELISA Assays


Nashua, NH:
Eagle Biosciences is now offering unique Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ELISA
Assay Kit menu including MMAE Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ELISA, MMAF
Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ELISA, and DM1 Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC)
Assay ELISA. These assays will
complement and further expand their current immunology assay portfolio.

Assay kits have excellent sensitivity, wide dynamic range, and can be used with
multiple species and sample types. These
analytes provide incredible value to pre-clinical and clinical pharmacology
studies, cancer research, and more specifically tumor marker investigation. In addition, each of these assays offer
simple procedure with quick results.

“We are
excited to bring the ADC kits to the market.” said Dan Keefe, President of
EagleBio. He continued, “These assays
will help EagleBio reach new emerging market segments in cancer research and
help us to fulfill unmet needs in the field.”

products are currently for research use only. Check out the list of Antibody
Drug Conjugate ELISA Assay Kits below. In addition, the antibodies used in
these kits are available for purchase upon special request.
  Visit the Eagle website, or
call 866-411-8023 for full details.


MMAE Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ELISA Assay Kit

MMAF Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ELISA Assay Kit

DM1 Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ELISA Assay Kit

Ingestion of Stool…A Promising Therapy for C. difficile Infection

In search of palatable poo

C. difficile
infections are horribly uncomfortable for patients causing painful
cramping, and excessive diarrhea. In
fact, certain strains of C. difficile cause about 250,000
hospitalizations and
14,000 deaths each year in the U.S. The quest for new types of therapy
is because of two big dilemmas with regards to antibiotic treatment.
There is increased antibiotic resistance and they
have a detrimental effect on normal gut flora which protect the body
harmful pathogens. So
here’s the scoop…there’s now hope with ingesting poop!

Many of you
are probably thinking…ingesting stool that sounds rather disgusting but in fact
it is actually pretty brilliant! This
unique treatment has been the focus of current study at Massachusetts General Hospital
(MGH). A recent press release from the hospital describes this study’s objective to
investigate whether delivering FMT orally through capsules designed to open
upon reaching the small intestine would be just as effective as other more
invasive treatments such as delivering frozen fecal material for FMT either by
colonoscopy or nasogastric tube.

image above from:

A potential role of circulating LHCGR forms for the prediction of preeclampsia in the first trimester of pregnancy

A recent abstract pertaining to using LHCGR forms for the prediction of preeclampsia was presented at the 13th World Congress in Fetal Medicine. The World Congress is designed both for those specializing in
fetal-maternal medicine and those with a more general clinical interest
who want to be updated on developments in the field. Leading
international experts and young researchers present and discuss the
latest developments in fetal medicine. 

To explore the possible role of circulating human chorionic gonadotrophin receptor (LHCGR) forms in the prediction of early and late preeclampsia (PE) in the first trimester of pregnancy, combined with maternal baseline risk, biophysical parameters and angiogenic factors.

A case-control study, within a cohort of 5, 759 pregnancies including 20 cases of early PE, 20 of late PE (cut-off: 34 weeks at delivery), 300controls. Maternal characteristics, mean arterial pressure (MAP), uterine artery (UtA) Doppler (11-13 weeks), placental growth factor (PlGF),soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFtl-1), circulating sLHCGR, and hCG-LHCGR complexes (8-11 weeks) were measured/recorded.  LHCGR difference (LHCGR-D) was calculated by subtracting hCG-LHCGR value from the corresponding sLHCGR. All parameters were normalized by logarithmic transformation, converted in MoM, and logistic regression analysis was used to predict PE.

Among LHCGR forms, the LHCGR-D improves substantially the prediction for early and late PE in first trimester, if used in algorithms. These new biomarkers seemed useful if used in combination (LHCGR-D) in the context of prediction of PE.


READ Entire AACC Scientific Abstract HERE




October, 2014: Matriks Biotek Introduces Eagle Biosciences, Inc. as Distributor in North America

MMAE Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) ELISA Assay Kit



Eagle Biosciences recently announced a North American distribution agreement with Matriks Biotek. Matriks develops and manufactures unique ELISA test kits and monoclonal antibodies with a strong focus on meeting research needs and creating products to better understand a variety of diseases and conditions in areas such as inflammation, immunology, gastrology, oncology, diabetes and obesity, and reproductive science.

“Matriks Biotek products bring a multitude of esoteric products to EagleBio.” said Dan Keefe President of EagleBio. He continued, “This is a great collaboration with respect to EagleBio’s goals to continually seek out quality, unique scientific tools and Matriks Biotek’s quest for R&D innovations and special interest for biotherapeutics and novel markers for diseases.” Keefe continued, “We are especially excited about Matriks’ Shikari® ELISA kits and anti-drug antibody ELISA assay kit product line.” He continued, “These can be efficiently used, for monitoring serum trough levels and the presence of anti-drug antibodies respectively.”

These products are currently for research use only. Check out the list of Matrik Biotek products below. Visit the Eagle website or call 866-411-8023 for full details.

Infliximab (Remicade®) Antibodies ELISA Assay kit

Free Adalimumab (Humira®) ELISA Assay Kit

Adalimumab (Humira®) Antibodies ELISA Assay Kit

Etanercept (Enbrel®) ELISA Assay Kit

Etanercept (Enbrel®) Antibodies ELISA Assay Kit

Bevacizumab (Avastin®) ELISA Assay Kit

Bevacizumab (Avastin®) Antibodies ELISA Assay Kit

Trastuzumab (Herceptin®, Herclon®).ELISA Assay Kit

Trastuzumab (Herceptin®, Herclon®) Antibodies ELISA Assay Kit


New Study Focuses On Designing Novel Antibodies to Target Breast Cancer Cells

image from

In honor of breast cancer awareness month, we thought we would
share some interesting and hopeful new research. But before discussing
this we should take some time to reflect on the fact that people
afflicted by this disease are battling it everyday and some for
several years. It does seem trivial to only recognize it one month of
every year when you consider all of this, but perhaps this is our way of
setting time aside to focus attention and in some way bring energy,
good vibes, and perhaps fresh ideas to conquer this disease.

A recent study done by the University of Michigan focused on
selecting novel monoclonal antibodies with anticancer activity. They
did this by creating an environment of cancer cells in vitro and then
exposing these cells to numerous antibodies to evaluate if these
antibodies have any anti-cancer fighting effects. How they created the
antibodies is rather intriguing. Read more