
The complement system is a crucial part of the immune system which assists antibodies and phagocytic cells to clear pathogens from an organism. It is an elaborate protein network of effectors, inhibitors and regulators that is the driving force for critical processes involving overall health as well as disease states. This system continuously communicates with associated physiological pathways such as immunity, inflamm­­ation, homeostasis, and development.

The complement system is made up of over 50 plasma and membrane-bound proteins that interact in a cascade fashion. There are three key biochemical pathways that trigger the complement system: the classical pathway, the alternative pathway, and the lectin pathway. These pathways trigger the generation of biologically active molecules that play crucial roles in numerous physiological and pathological processes as mentioned above.

Classical Pathway: the pathway activated by C1 binding either directly to bacterial surfaces or to antibody for the purpose of identifying and flagging bacteria as foreign.

Alternative Pathway: the pathway activated by the binding of complement protein C3b to the surface of a pathogen. This pathway is a key component of innate immunity and has a role in boosting the work of classical pathway.

Lectin Pathway: the pathway activated by binding of MBL (mannose-binding lectin) to mannose residues on the pathogen surface. 


Figure 1: Complement Overview

Figure 1: Complement Overview


Reasons for Measuring the Complement System:

The complement system plays intricate and vital roles in both the innate and the adaptive immune defense and it is acts a bridge between these two facets of immunity. Complement deficiencies and other molecular abnormalities in this system result in increased infection and increased risk for autoimmune and numerous other diseases. The increased awareness and interest in the complement system has prompted the need for a simple, objective, and effective method to assess the function of complement activity. Measuring various parts of the complement pathway gives insights to researchers for various disease states as well as for potential therapeutic targets.  


1: Complement Deficiencies and Associated
Infections (Skattum et. al)


References and Relevant Publications:

2. Janeway, CA Jr et al. “The complement system and innate immunity”. Immunobiology: The Immune System in Health and Disease. New York: Garland Science

3. Roos, Anja et. al. “Evaluation of Complement Function by ELISA.” Methods in Molecular Biology 2014; 1100. 

4. Skattum L et al. “Complement deficiency states and associated infections.” Mol Immunol 2011;48:1643-1655.

5. Yang, Kun, et. al. “CMAP: Complement Map Database.” Bioinformatics. 2013 Jul 15; 29(14): 1832–1833.


Related Kits:

Total Complement Functional Screen ELISA
Complement Classical Pathway ELISA
Complement Alternative Pathway ELISA
Complement MBL Pathway ELISA
Immunology Assay Kits

EagleBio’s FGF23 (C-terminal) ELISA: Product Highlights


Bone Metabolism Assays

Measuring Both Intact and C-Terminal Fragments with Versatility and High Sensitivity.

FGF-23 (C-Terminal) ELISA is for Research Use Only, Not to be used for diagnostic procedures.

Eagle Biosciences’ Bone Metabolism Line is a comprehensive portfolio of assays for detecting and monitoring numerous biomarkers for the regulation of bone and mineral homeostasis, assisting researchers in various fields of study. One unique kit offered in our Bone Metabolism Line is our FGF23 (C-Terminal) ELISA which offers highly sensitivity, versatility with use of multiple sample types with excellent stability, and valuable results in emerging areas of research. Our FGF23 (C-Terminal) ELISA assay provides incredible value and unique insights for research surrounding the investigation new biomarkers that could improve prediction of CKD progression, as well as the discovery of new drug targets.


Why Measure FGF23 with EagleBio’s Assay?

  • Highly Sensitive: clear differentiation even at low serum FGF23 levels
  • Multi-Matrix Samples: serum and plasma samples (EDTA, heparin, citrate)
  • Serum Based Standards and Controls: provides biologically reliable data
  • Small Sample Volume: only 50 µl of sample required
  • Simple Assay: easy protocol, all reagents are included, and easily adapted for automation




EagleBio’s FGF23 ELISA is the most specific kit in the market, uniquely

designed to detect both Intact and C-Terminal fragments.


Related Kits:


Bone Metabolism Assay Kits



Related News:

January 2015: Eagle Biosciences Introduces New FGF23 (C-Terminal) ELISA


Just one drop tells a lot


A recent test has been developed at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital by a genetics professor, Stephen J. Elledge. This blood test, called the VirScan Test works by detecting antibodies to viruses known to infect humans for close to the entire human virome. So in other words, this test can pick up antibodies that the immune system has made in response to viruses to almost every virus known to infect people.

This technology was tested in cohort of individuals across various countries including the United States, Peru, Thailand, and South Africa, all of whom were known to carry certain viruses. The test was successful in detecting more than 90 percent of known infections, viruses that the study participants were not known to have had, and the test rarely gave false positives.

This test could quite possibly become an valuable tool for tracking disease patterns as wells as countless other clinical and scientific applications. It may be possible to use the VirScan method to study viruses suspected of playing a role in initiating autoimmune diseases such as Type I diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Another application of this test may be to examine cancer and why the disease progresses faster in some patients compared to other patients and why chemotherapy make work better is some people. Other possibilities may be to explore viruses in children in large populations to determine what ages at which children are exposed to various illnesses in order to help determine the best timing for vaccinations.

The VirScan Test certainly has amazing potential in a variety of areas surrounding the immune response but more research and more studies will help to improve and understand how best to put it to use. Read More

image from

Related Kits:

Immunology Assay Kits


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An artist's concept of genetically engineered E. coli bacteria

recent study conducted by MIT and the University of California, San Diego utilized engineered Escherichia coli bacteria (harmless strain) to colonize metastasizing tumors in mice. This cohort of mice were given the bacteria orally and once inside their bodies, the bacteria fed off of and gained energy from the dying cells inside the necrotic core of tumors. At the same time this process was occurring, the researchers injected a sugar solution containing a molecule called luciferin, a protein that causes the glow in fireflies. The E.coli was engineered specifically to produce an enzyme that would cause it to split the galactose sugar from luciferin. Then the luciferin would filter its way through the body by way of the kidneys and thus be excreted in the urine and changing the color of mice’s urine red in those with metastasizing tumors.

This new method shows amazing promise as the bacteria can be designed to pick up any chemical or biomarker. This type of test could really make a difference in the future, allowing for earlier and easier diagnosis of various diseases/conditions. In particular, there is hope that it could eliminate the need for some invasive biopsies and may greatly enhance the ability to detect minute concentrations of analytes that other tests cannot pick up. Read More

image above from:

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Using Bacterial Communication Systems to Combat Pancreatic Cancer Cells.

The Neurobiology Assay Kit Line offered at Eagle Biosciences provides a comprehensive array
of sensitive tools to measure catecholamines and numerous neuroscience-related
analytes in various types of samples. Among the solid line up of kits in the Neurobiology Assay Kit Line are the SAM ELISA Assay and the SAH ELISA Assay. Both of these assays are simple to run, have short incubation times, and provide valuable results for assessing the functionality of the
methionine cycle and its metabolic pathways.

Why Measure SAM (S-adenosylmethionine)
and SAH (S-adenosylhomocysteine) with EagleBio kits?

1. Excellent
: Both
SAM and SAH ELISA Assay Kits are designed to specifically bind free and
conjugated SAM and SAH.

2. Quick and Simple
Test Results:
< 2.0 hour incubation and easy testing procedure with no
costly instrumentation.

3. High Sensitivity and
Wide Dynamic Range

4. SAM monoclonal antibodies have very high
to allow you to perform most of your research with just one vial.

In Summary, EagleBio’s SAM ELISA Assay and SAH ELISA Assay are unmistakably the best kits in the market
and they are the key to assessing the functionality of the methionine cycle.


Related Kits:

S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine (SAM) ELISA Assay Kit

S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine (SAH) ELISA Assay Kit

Neurobiology Assay Kits


Related News:

January 2015: Eagle Biosciences Announces Launch of SAM and SAH ELISA Assay Kits




A recent study was conducted at the University of Wisconsin referencing EagleBio’s Ferritin ELISA Assay Kit, a kit designed for the quantitative determination of ferritin in serum or plasma. This assay is part of our Oxidative Assay Kit Line which is a comprehensive group consisting of a numerous valuable products for assisting scientists in fields of research such as diabetes, cancer, aging, and other similar areas of study. Check the product page for full details on the kit or view the links below to find a new publication referencing our Ferritin ELISA Assay Kit.  



Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay to Measure Serum Ferritin in Toucans(Ramphastidae sp.)

Study Summary:

The objective of this study was to develop an ELISA assay for testing Ferritin levels in toucans.  Iron overload (a.k.a. hemochromatosis) has been a serious health concern in captive toucans. In fact,hemochromatosis is the leading cause of death in toucans in captivity. The likely cause is dietary as toucans have physiological mechanisms to efficiently extract iron from iron-deficient diets so when toucans are fed an iron-sufficient diets, iron overload occurs.

In conclusion, the results of this study reveal the need for further study as preliminary ferritin concentrations
from all toucans studied were much higher than expected when using a variety of testing methods. This may in part be due to the antigenic disparities between species.


Related Kits:

Oxidative Stress Assays

Homoarginine ELISA Assay Kit



image above from




A recent study by the American Thoracic Society (ATS)  takes a deeper look at the connection between childhood asthma and peanut allergies.  There certainly has been some discussion, focus, and research in the recent years and months focusing on peanut allergies, why children are developing them, and how they can be prevented or avoided.  This study revealed that many children who have asthma have a sensitivity to peanuts.  Many of the respiratory symptoms of peanut allergy and asthma go hand in hand, in fact they mirror each other. Observing and testing a select cohort of children with asthma at a pulmonary clinic lead scientists and researchers to conclude that prevalence of peanut sensitivity was high. Since many of the children and their families did not suspect such an allergy, it is concluded that screening asthmatic children for peanut sensitivity may help to improve their treatment particularly in cases that have been difficult to manage.  Read More



image above from:


Related Kits:

Immunology Assay Kits

Latex Allergen Assay Kits

Histamine ELISA Assay Kit


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New Study Using EagleBio’s Histamine ELISA Kit


EagleBio Runs in the Inaugural Gate City Marathon & Relay

EagleBio participated in the inaugural Gate City Marathon & Relay on Sunday, May 17, 2015.  Our finest pack banded together and was out there rocking the course, having a blast, and running like the wind!  It was great to be involved in such a momentous occasion for the city of Nashua, NH! Our group ran in the race as a 5 leg relay on a  26.2-mile course that took runners past historic former mills, rivers, parks and neighborhoods.  We are so proud of our runners!

EagleBio’s Creatinine Microplate Assay Kit Used in Studying  High Incidence of Lung Cancer in Singapore Women

A recent study was conducted at the Masonic Cancer Center, University of Minnesota utilizing EagleBio’s Creatinine Microplate Assay, a kit designed for the quantitative determination of creatinine in urine by a microplate assay. This assay is part of our Oxidative Assay Kit Line which is a comprehensive group consisting of a numerous valuable products for assisting scientists in fields of research such as diabetes, cancer, aging, and other similar areas of study. Check the product page for full details on the kit or view the links below to find a new publication referencing our Creatinine Microplate Assay.



Elevated Levels of Mercapturic Acids of Acrolein and Crotonaldehyde in the Urine of Chinese Women in Singapore Who Regularly Cook at Home

Study Summary:

This study observed  a cohort of women who frequently used a wok for cooking but did not smoke cigarettes, drink alcoholic beverages, or participate in other health-risk behavior related to lung cancer. Researchers utilize EagleBio’s Creatinine Microplate Assay to measure and assess the creatinine levels as well as high throughput liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to measure 3-HPMA and HMPMA.

It was discovered that women had significantly increased levels of urinary 3-HPMA and HMPMA, the respective mercapturic acids of acrolein and crotonaldehyde, and the levels of the biomarkers increased with increasing cooking frequency. Such findings do in fact confirm results and observations from previous studies performed on a much smaller sampling of Chinese women.

In conclusion, with the results from this study as well as several other epidemiological studies reveal the need for improved ventilation and other preventative measures in order to effectively remove such cooking fumes.


Related Kits:

Oxidative Stress Assays

SDMA (Symmetric Dimethylarginine) ELISA Assay Kit

Hydroxypyridinium Crosslinks HPLC Assay Kit

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January 21, 2015- Eagle Biosciences Shares Some New Publications Across Multiple EagleBio Assay Kit Product Lines