EagleBio’s 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA Used in Two New Studies

The Vitamin Assay Kit line offered Eagle Biosciences provides unique and sensitive assays for measuring a variety of vitamin analytes.  Our 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA is a top seller at Eagle Biosciences and it provides researchers with a means to measure both D2 and D3 with confidence. This assay has proven to be provide valuable insights to researchers in various field of study and it has numerous benefits to help them do so.  

There were two recent studies described below utilizing our 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA, a kit designed for the determination of 25-OH Vitamin D in human serum or plasma samples.



Can l-Cysteine and Vitamin D Rescue Vitamin D and Vitamin D Binding Protein Levels in Blood Plasma of African American Type 2 Diabetic Patients?


Study Summary:

Vitamin D deficiency and an a rapidly increasing rate of diabetes have
become a worldwide epidemic, particularly affecting African Americans. This study demonstrated that there was a significant positive correlation was observed between lower Vitamin D Binding Protein (VDBP) and vitamin D and l-cysteine and glutathione blood levels in African American diabetic
patients; raising glutathione status via l-cysteine supplementation
upregulated both VDBP and 
VDBP/vitamin D receptor in monocytes. VDBP is a
key determinant of vitamin D blood levels. This novel finding will
impact the clinical practice of vitamin D supplementation and the
development of new therapies based on the potential of l-cysteine coupled with lower vitamin D doses to improve the efficacy and
levels of vitamin D and health outcomes in African Americans. Researchers utilized Eagle Biosciences’ 
25-OH Vitamin D ELISA to measure plasma levels of 25-OH Vitamin D.



Subclinical Hypovitaminosis D and Osteoporosis in Breast Cancer Patients


Study Summary:

Vitamin D has also been reported to have anticancer activities against many cancer types, including breast cancer. The breakthrough that breast epithelial cells can locally manufacture active vitamin D from circulating precursors, makes the effect of vitamin D in breast cancer biologically conceivable. This study focuses on evaluating the circulating concentration of 25-hydroxy vitamin D and the bone mineral density status of breast cancer patients and to study their relation to the treatment received and the stage of breast cancer.  Researchers utilized Eagle Biosciences’ 25-OH Vitamin D ELISA to measure serum levels of 25-OH Vitamin D.

This study did in fact support the findings of increased incidence of hypovitaminosis D, osteoporosis and osteopenia in breast cancer patients. Therefore, it is concluded that there is value and importance of offering calcium and vitamin D supplements to breast cancer patients. It is recommended that breast cancer patients have a DXA scan on a yearly basis.


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Vitamin Assay Kits

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