Several recent studies have been performed utilizing a kit from our Neurobiology Assay Kit line. The Neurobiology Assay Kit line offered Eagle Biosciences provides a comprehensive array of sensitive tools to measure catecholamines and numerous neuroscience-related analytes on various types of samples. Check the product pages for full details on the kit or view the links below to find a new publications referencing our Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit.


Recent Citations

1. Amat, M. et. al. “Differences in serotonin levels between agressive English Cocker Spaniels and agressive dogs of other breeds.”Journal of Vetinary Behavior 2010: 4(1): 46.

2. Amat, Me. et. al ” Differences in serotonin serum concentration between aggressive English cocker spaniels and aggressive dogs of other breeds.”Journal of Veterinary Behavior 2013: 8, 19-25.


Study Summary (1 & 2 above):

Scientists tested the theory that English cocker spaniels(ECS)  have lower serum serotonin
than do aggressive dogs of other breeds. Eaglebio’s
Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit was used to measures serotonin levels in the serum of the canines being studied. It was found that ECSs do in fact have lower serum serotonin
than do aggressive dogs of other breeds making ECS a potential good model to study the neurophysiological mechanisms
underlying impulsive aggression.


3. Leon, Marta et. al. “Assessment of serotonin in serum, plasma, and platelets of aggressive dogs.”Journal of Veterinary Behavior 2012: 7, 348-352.

Study Summary:

Researchers’ objective for this study was (1) to assess the suitability of different types of blood samples for measuring circulating
serotonin in canine clinical studies, and (2) to investigate the relationship between the serotonergic system
and canine aggression. Eaglebio’s Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit was used to measures serotonin levels in serum, plasma, and platelets in the canine cohort.  The results revealed that the mean serotonin concentration in aggressive dogs was significantly lower than in nonaggressive
dogs in all the assayed samples.


4. Rosado, B. et. al. “Blood concentrations of serotonin, cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone in aggressive dogs.”Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2010: 123, 124–130.

Study Summary:

Researchers sought to perform an in-depth investigation of the biological basis of aggression in canine to provide new and improved diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for this frequent problem. Eaglebio’s Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit was used to measure serotonin levels in the serum of the canines being studied.  Aggressive animals showed significantly higher plasma
concentrations of cortisol than non-aggressive dogs suggesting that aggressive dogs might differ
from non-aggressive dogs in the activities of the serotonergic system and the HPA axis.


5.Rosado, B. et. al. “Effect of fluoxetine on blood concentrations of serotonin, cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone in canine aggression.” J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 34, 430–436.

Study Summary:

The objective of this study was to assess the effect of a 30-day-long fluoxetine treatment on the
peripheral serotonergic system and the HPA axis in canine aggression. EagleBio’s Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit was used to measure concentrations of serum serotonin. Other analytes such as plasma cortisol and
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) were also quantified in a group of aggressive and non-aggressive dogs. The results revealed that treatment of aggressive dogs caused a drop in serum 5-HT concentrations in both
groups, supporting the hypothesis that the peripheral serotonergic
system in canine species is sensitive to drugs that work
upon the central serotonergic system.

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New Study Referencing EagleBio’s Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit

EagleBio Assay Kits in Several New Publications

January 21, 2015- Eagle Biosciences Shares Some New Publications Across Multiple EagleBio Assay Kit Product Lines

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