CXCL12 SDF-1 Alpha ELISA Assay


The CXCL12 SDF-1 Alpha ELISA Assay kit is an Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay used for the quantitative and very sensitive determination of CXCL 12 / SDF-1 Alpha in serum and plasma. The CXCL 12 / SDF-1 Alpha ELISA Assay kit is for research use only and should not be used in diagnostic procedures.

SKU: CXC31-K01 Categories: , ,

CXCL12 SDF-1 Alpha ELISA Assay

The CXCL12 SDF-1 Alpha ELISA Assay is For Research Use Only (RUO)

Size: 1×96 wells
Sensitivity: 0.31 ng/ml
Dynamic Range: 0.625 – 40 ng/ml
Incubation Time: 2.5 hours
Sample Type: Serum, Plasma
Sample Size: 50 µL
Alternative Names: Stromal Cell-Derived Factor 1, C-X-C motif chemokine 12

Assay Background

SDF-1 Alpha (CXCL12) is a CXC chemokine [1]. The small basic protein (ca. 8 kDa) has no glycosylation site in its sequence [2]. The homology properties of SDF-1 Alpha are unique among the chemokines. It has a high degree of conservation within the mammalians, with 99 % identity between the human and the murine SDF-1 Alpha sequences. But it shows a weak homology to the other CXC chemokines and the SDF-1 gene is on chromosome 10, whereas the other chemokine genes are on chromosome 4 and 17 [3]. Except for SDF-1 Alpha there is another isoform of this chemokine, SDF-1 Beta. SDF-1 Alpha and SDF-1 Beta result from alternative splicing [1].SDF-1 Alpha binds to and activates the receptors CXCR4 and CXCR7 [1], whereupon SDF-1 Alpha is the only known ligand for CXCR4 [2]. SDF-1 Alpha binds also to fibronectin-1 [4], several glycosaminoglycans and heparin [5]. SDF-1 Alpha is constitutively expressed by bone marrow stromal cells [1] and many other tissues (for example heart, liver, brain, muscle, kidney) [3]. The function of SDF-1 Alpha is multifaceted. It plays a role in the prenatal development of the neural, hematopoietic and cardiovascular systems and is involved in the postnatal migration of CXCR4- and CXCR7-positive stem cells [1]. Furthermore, it has a chemo-attractant effect on CXCR4-positive lymphocytes [1] and plays a role in the growth and the metastasis of CXCR4- and CXCR7-positive tumors [6]. Except for the chemo-attractant effects SDF-1 Alpha has an inhibiting effect on HIV-1 in vitro [7].

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Product Developed and Manufactured in Germany by ibt – immunological and biochemical testsystems GmbH

Additional Information

Assay Principle

The biotinylated antibody of the CXCL 12 / SDF-1 Alpha ELISA Assay kit binds to the streptavidin coated microtiterplate. The SDF-1 α of the standards/samples binds to this antibody and is detected by the primary antibody. The biotinylated antibody, the primary antibody and the standards/samples are incubated on the microtiterplate altogether at the same time. The primary antibody, which is bound to SDF-1 Alpha, is then detected by a secondary peroxidase-conjugated antibody. The reaction with the substrate is stopped by addition of acid and the blue colour turns to yellow. The measured absorbance is directly proportional to the quantity of SDF-1 Alpha.

Typical Assay Curve

Comparison of Serum vs. Plasma Samples


Product Manual

Product Citations