

Everspark is a hassle-free buffer used to decouple the preparation of your samples and their imaging. It is compatible with red, far-red and green dyes. Everspark is for research use only.

SKU: KMO-ETE Categories: ,


Everspark was developed and manufactured in France by Idylle Labs

What is Everspark intended for?

Everspark is a hassle-free buffer used to decouple the preparation of your samples and their imaging. Use it if you need to prepare your samples in your lab and image them in your core facility 3 to 4 weeks later. Everspark is also compatible with imaging that uses red, far-red and green dyes (eg. AF488). Different colors can be used either at the same time or one after the other.

Use Method:

  • Rinse the coverslip with sterile water
  • Discard water in excess
  • Prepare sealant: 1 volume of sealant catalyst + 1 volume of sealant basis in a micro-dish – do not mix
  • Open the Everspark tube and pipette right away the desired volume onto a Wilco glass bottom dish
  • Flip the coverslips face towards the slide on the cavity filled with Everspark without making bubbles
  • Absorb excess of Everspark buffer on the sides with a kimwipe
  • Mix sealant
  • Seal quickly with the reconstituted sealant
  • Wait for the sealant to polymerize on the slide before moving the slide
  • Discard the open tube of Everspark buffer (cannot be used for another slide, once already opened)
  • Gently clean the coverslip with 70% ethanol
  • Perform regular dSTORM acquisition (best to wait a couple of hours)
  • Repeat dSTORM acquisition 24 hours up to 3 weeks on the same slide providing no air bubbles were present
  • Store the slides at 4°C and in the dark before repeating dSTORM acquisition on the same slide (up to 3 weeks)


  1. High stability over time for repeated measurements – One mounted sample is stable over 3 to 4 weeks and can be imaged multiple times
  2. Multicolor (including green) – Compatible with green, red, and far red dyes (JF646, JF549, AF647, DL550, CF568, DL650, CF680, SulfoCy5 and mEos2)
  3. Ready to Use – Can be used directly from the vial
  4. Up to 6 months performance – Individualized packaging for optimal longevity
  5. Techniques – PALM, dSTORM, HILO, TIRF pattern
  6. Customizable – Choose the MEA concentration, pH, optical index, or even additives

Storage Conditions

  • Everspark has to be stored in the fridge at 4°C upon receiving the product. Do not freeze it.
  • Open the tube just before mounting to limit oxygenation.
  • Store the slides at 4°C and in the dark before repeating dSTORM acquisition on the same slide

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Additional Information

Protocol of Use

How to Mount Depression Slides

Package Inserts

Please note: All documents above are for reference use only and should not be used in place of the documents included with this physical product. If digital copies are needed, please contact us.

Product Citations