Anti-Prostaglandin E2 Polyclonal Antibody


The Anti-Prostaglandin E2 Polyclonal Antibody is for research use only and is not intended for diagnostic purposes.

SKU: PRE00-A1000 Category:

Anti-Prostaglandin E2 Polyclonal Antibody

The Anti-Prostaglandin E2 Polyclonal Antibody is For Research Use Only

Catalog Number: PRE00-A1000
Aliquot: 1 mL
Storage: -80° C

Product Developed and Manufactured in the USA

Description: This rabbit polyclonal antibody is specific to Prostaglandin E and other associated pathway specific arachidonate derived molecules. This antibody is presented as antiserum.

Concentration: Not determined

Storage Buffer: PBS; 0.1% Sodium Azide


Immunogen: Prostaglandin E2

Sensitivity: 130 pg/assay (IC50)

Purification: Not purified

Applications: Suitable for use in RIA. (1:25 dilution) May also have utility in ELISA.

Species Specificity: Not species specific. May not exhibit utility when using in a rabbit experimental model.

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Product Manual



Levine, L.,Measurement of Arachidonic Acid Metabolites by Radioimmunoassay. In: Manual of Clinical Laboratory Immunology (3rd Edition). J.L. Fahey, H. Friedman and N.L. Rose (eds.). Amer. Soc. Microbiol. pp. 685-691 (1986).

Granstrom, E. and Lindgren, J.A., Radioimmunoassay of Prostaglandins and Related Compounds. In: Prostaglandins: Biology and Chemistry of Prostaglandins and Related Eicosanoids, P.B. Curtis-Prior, (Ed.) Churchill Livingstone, New York, pp. 115-126.

Powell, W.S., Rapid Extraction of Arachidonic Acid Metabolites From Biological Samples Using Octadecylsilyl Silica. Meth. Enzymol. 86: 467-476 (1982).

Product Citations