Human Recombinant Artemin Protein


The Human Recombinant Artemin Protein is for research use only. Artemin supports the survival of sensory and sympathetic peripheral neurons in culture and the survival of dopaminergic neurons of the ventral mid-brain.

SKU: P-102-100 Categories: ,

Human Recombinant Artemin Protein

The Human Recombinant Artemin Protein is For Research Use Only

Synonyms: Artemin, Enovin, Neublastin, ARTN
Uniprot ID: Q5T4W7
Source: Human
Host: CHO-based cell line (expressed by QMCF Technology)
Buffer: PBS pH 7.4
Endotoxine: Less than 1EU/mg of protein as determined by LAL method

Molecular Weight:
Approximately 18.8 kDa, a single non-glycosylated polypeptide chain containing 181 amino acids. Protein is homodimer.

Purified from serum-free CHO growth media by ion-exchange chromatography and gel-filtration. Protein is sterile-filtered through 0.22 µm filter.

0.5 mg/ml Concentration of the protein is determined by BCA Protein Analysis kit (Pierce). BSA was used as a standard.

Product is suitable for cell culture and in vivo testing. Protein is biologically active. Biological activity of purified artemin was tested in in vitro receptor-dependent cellular morphology change induction assay using U2OS cells expressing Ret and GFRα-3 receptor complex.

Quality Control:
SDS-PAGE and Western-Blot analysis

Artemin is a ligand for the GFR-alpha-3-RET receptor complex but can also activate the GFR-alpha-1-RET receptor complex. Supports the survival of sensory and sympathetic peripheral neurons in culture and also supports the survival of dopaminergic neurons of the ventral mid-brain. Strong attractant of gut hematopoietic cells thus promoting the formation Peyer’s patch-like structures, a major component of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (; Baloh et al. 1998, Neuron; Rosenblad et al. 2000, Eur. J. Biochem).

Shipped in dry-ice

Store at -70°C upon receipt. Recommended to aliquot into smaller quantities.

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Additional Information

Human Recombinant Artemin Protein

Figure 1. Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE and Western Blot analysis on purified recombinant human Artemin. (A) SDS-PAGE analysis in reduced and non-reduced conditions. 2µg of recombinant human Artemin was loaded per lane. Lane 1 Artemin (reduced); Lane 2. Protein size marker (Blue Protein Ladder Prestained, Naxo, 8003);  Lane 3. Artemin (non-reduced);
(B) Western Blot alalysis of recombinant human Artemin.  Anti-human Artemin monoclonal antibody colne 2D12 (Eagle Biosciences Cat. No 324-100) was used for testing. 2D12 antibody recognizes only native conformation, dimeric (non-reduced) Artemin. 0.2 µg of recombinant Artremin were loaded per lane. Lane 1. Artemin (reduced); Lane 2. Protein size marker Blue (Protein Ladder Prestained, Naxo, 8003); Lane 3. Artemin (non-reduced).

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