Top 10 Medical Innovations of 2015- Can We Really Predict Them?


It is fascinating to think about what 2015 has in store for medical science and technology.  Which are the up-and-coming technologies and which will have the biggest impact on health care in 2015?  

There is actually a annual conference sponsored by the Cleveland Clinic that focuses on identifying and selecting nominated medical innovations that meet a strict set of criteria.  Experts from the Cleveland Clinic team perform extensive research on each nomination and then present a final list to two panels of leading Cleveland Clinic physicians. These physicians then vote to decide the Top 10 Medical Innovations for the year. 

 Here’s what they selected for 2015:

1. Mobile stroke unit

2. Dengue fever vaccine

3. Painless blood testing

4. New way to lower cholesterol

5. Cancer drug that doesn’t harm healthy tissue

6. Immune booster for cancer patients

7. Wireless cardiac pacemaker

8. New medications for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

9. Single-dose radiation therapy for breast cancer

10. New drug for heart failure

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Biomarker Spotlight: FGF-21




Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF-21) is a novel member  of the
FGF-19 subfamily, which includes FGF-19, FGF-21, and FGF-23. The FGF-19 family
members are potent endocrine hormones in the regulation of a diverse
physiological homeostasis. FGF-21 is mainly expressed in the liver and is an important modulator of not only glucose and lipid metabolism but also energy balance.



Structure Necessary
for Bioactive Processing:


induction of signaling by FGF21 is a complicated process which results from the
formation of a ternary complex between FGFR1c, β-Klotho and FGF21. FGFR1c can
remain inactive in close proximity to β-Klotho in the absence of FGF21. When
FGF21 and β-Klotho are bound together they are able to dimerize FGFR1c in a way
that allows the activation of signaling.
Recent studies have demonstrated that understanding this complex process
and the structural relationship has significant implications for the
development of biological therapeutics.


FGF21 is released by the liver into the bloodstream
and once in adipose tissue, it binds to its receptor (FGFR) forming a complex
with its co-receptor βKlotho. FGF21 then exerts its pleiotropic metabolic
effects through its actions on numerous targets, including adipose tissue,
liver, brain and pancreas. The expression of FGF21 is under the control of both
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) and peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα). FGF21 has been
identified as an important regulator of glucose, lipids, and energy balance.


Reasons to Measure FGF-21:

FGF-21 is a novel protein that has been identified as a useful biomarker for studying metabolic syndrome. Further research is needed for this analyte in order to better understand its precise pathophysiological role and its associated molecular pathways. Measuring FGF-21 may provide valuable insight for researchers in detecting, monitoring, and studying drug targets for a variety of individuals with various metabolic pathologies.


Diseases/conditions associated with elevated FGF-21 levels:

  • Muscle-Manifesting Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Deficiencies
  • Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  • Medical Conditions Related to Type 2 Diabetes
  • Gestational Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Cushings Syndrome
  • Renal Disease


References and Relevant Publications:

1 .Cuevas-Ramos, Daniel, et al. “The Role of Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (FGF21) on Energy Balance, Glucose and Lipid Metabolism.”Current Diabetes Reviews, 2009,5, 216-220. 

2 .Ge, Xuan et al. “Metabolic actions of FGF21: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic implications.” Diabetes and Obesity doi:10.1016/j.apsb.2012.06.011.

3 .Micanovic R, et al. “Different roles of N- and C- termini in the functional activity of FGF21.” J Cell Physiol. 2009 May;219(2):227-34.

4 .Potthoff, Matthew J. et al. “Endocrine fibroblast growth factors 15/19 and 21: from feast to famine.”Genes & Develeopment

5. Smith, Richard et. al.“FGF21 Can Be Mimicked In Vitro and In Vivo by a Novel Anti-FGFR1c/β-Klotho Bispecific Protein.” Plos One: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061432

6. Suomalainen, Anu et. al. “FGF-21 as a Biomarker for Muscle Manifesting Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Deficiencies: a Diagnostic Study. The Lancet Neurology 2011; 10:806-818.

7. Yie J, et al. FGF21 N- and C-termini Play Different Roles in Receptor Interaction and Activation. FEBS Letters. 2009 Jan 5;583:19-24. 

8. Yusuke, Murata,“FGF21 as an Endocrine Regulator in Lipid Metabolism: From Molecular Evolution to Physiology and Pathophysiology.” Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism; 2011: doi:10.1155/2011/981315


Related Kits:


Smart Skin- Giant Step for Prosthetics

A prosthetic hand, covered with the prosthetic skin

New “Smart
Skin” may be the answer for prosthetic patients regaining their sense of touch
with their bionic limbs. In recent
experiments, researchers have coated prosthetic skin with electronics including
heating devices and sensors. This new
skin is remarkably sensitive and capable of sensing a wide variety of data in
a way that is so vastly similar to that of a real limb. This skin can detect such as
information as temperature, humidity, stretching and pressure. 

Over the past few years, many research groups around the globe have been
developing bionic arms and legs that could help patients replace lost limbs. They have been looking for ways to improve
upon these limbs striving to make them look and more importantly feel more
real. This new technology brings lots of hope but it also brings safety concerns as well.  There will be a lot more testing and trials involved but this would be a giant step for prosthetics and patients in need of them.  Read More

image above from

​2014 -2015 Flu Shots: May have Reduced Effectiveness But Still Provides Protection

The flu season has
started to pick up and there is concern that the 2014- 2015 flu shot may not be
as effective as they had originally thought.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advised clinicians on
December 3rd that the major circulating strain this year has in fact
mutated to the point that the shots are providing reduced protection. Results from testing performed on positive
samples from October 1 through November 22, 2014 revealed that 48% were
antigenically like the 2014-2015 influenza A (H3N2) vaccine, but 52% were found to be different than this
year’s shot.
However, with that being said that does NOT mean the flu shot
is not worth getting as it still has been found to provide some protection against
drifted viruses and even though reduced, this cross-protection might reduce the likelihood of severe outcomes such
hospitalization and death
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​EagleBio Assay Kits in Several New Publications


EagleBio offers numerous unique and robust kits in a variety of emerging areas of research and disciplines. There are several publications to date for the assays but there some new publications to highlight for our Endocrine Assay Kits, Oxidative Stress Assay Kits, Cancer Biomarker Kits product lines. Check out the product pages for full information on the kits, or view the links below for the new publication details.


Mouse /
Rat GLP-1 Active (7-36) ELISA Kit


The Pancreapedia: Exocrine Pancreas Knowledge Base


Rat Tissue Type Plasminogen Activator (TPA) Total ELISA Assay Kit


Locally Increased Concentrations of Inflammatory Cytokines in an Experimental Intraabdominal Adhesion Model


Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit


Combination Fluconazole/Paroxetine Treatment is Neuroprotective Despite Ongoing Neuroinflammation and Viral Replication in an SIV model of HIV Neurological Disease


New Publications for Select Vitamin Assays Kits

The Vitamin
Assay Kit line offered Eagle Biosciences provides sensitive assays for
measuring a variety of vitamin analytes.There are several publications to date for the assays in this line but
there a few new publications that we would like to highlight. Check out the
product pages for full information on the kits, or view the links below for the
new publication details.

25-OH Vitamin D ELISA Assay Kit

New Publications:

Characteristics and Outcomes of Children with Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease Cohort from the ESPN/ERA-EDTA Registry

Asfotase-α Improves Bone Growth, Mineralization and Strength in Mouse Models of neurofibromatosis Type-1


Vitamin B6 Whole Blood HPLC Assay Kit

New Publication:

Folate, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6 Status of a Group of High Socio-Economic Status Women in the Alberta Pregnancy Outcomes and Nutrition (APrON) Cohort

Eagle Biosciences Vitamin Assay Kits



Eagle Biosciences recently announced a North American
distribution agreement with Icosagen in Estonia. Icosagen offers high-end
biotechnology services and products with a focus on supporting
biopharmaceutical and biotechnology industries as well as academia in the areas
of latex allergen testing and neurobiological research. Their portfolio of
products and services respectively includes antibodies, proteins, and ELISA
kits and custom-tailored services for protein, antibody, cell line generation
for cell based assays, and virus-like-particle (VLP) production.

“Icosagen products are a great fit for Eaglebio.” said Dan
Keefe President of EagleBio. He
continued, “In fact, their line up provides esoteric, top-notch, innovative
products, three core attributes that are the foundation of EagleBio’s business.
We are especially excited to be adding the Latex Allergen FITkit® ELISA Assay
kits which are the first commercial quantitative tests to measure various allergens
immunologically in 
natural rubber latex (NRL) products.”

These products are currently for research use only. Check
out the list of Icosagen products below. Visit the Eagle ­­­website or call 866-411-8023 for
full details.


LatexAllergen ELISA Assay Kit – FITkit® Hev b 1

Latex Allergen ELISA Assay Kit – FITkit® Hev b 3

Allergen ELISA Assay Kit – FITkit® Hev b 5

Allergen ELISA Assay Kit – FITkit® Hev b 6.02

CD48 ELISA Assay Kit

CD48 ELISA Assay Kit

7 ELISA Assay Kit


Assay Kit

Artemin ELISA Assay Kit

New “Tumor-in-a-Dish” Technique May Improve Chemo

A new method of testing a tumor’s response to anticancer drugs
has been developed by a team of engineers at Vanderbilt University in an effort
to improve breast cancer chemotherapy.
This method involves taking a small portion of cancerous tissue that is
removed from the patient during a biopsy, cutting them into chunks, targeting
them with a hit of anti-cancer drug, and then seeing how it responds through
fluorescence imaging. This brings a lot
of hope and potential for assisting doctors in providing the most effective and
least toxic form of chemotherapy before treatment begins for the patient. 
Read More

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November Promotion- Cardiac Biomarkers



Take Advantage of Our Promotion of the Month- 

on New Cardiac Biomarker Assays!


Don’t Miss Out! Hot Deals of the Month! 30% Discount on Select

Cardiac Biomarker Assays
(see below)

  • BNP Fragment ELISA
  • Endostatin ELISA
  • Big Endothelin-1 ELISA
  • Endothelin (1-21) ELISA