Human Free Fatty Acids (FFA) ELISA Assay Kit


The Human Free Fatty Acids (FFA) ELISA Assay Kit is for the estimation of human free fatty acids in serum, plasma, and other biological fluids. The Human Free Fatty Assays (FFA) ELISA Assay Kit is for research use only and not to be used for diagnostic procedures.

Human Free Fatty Acids (FFA) ELISA Assay Kit

The Human Free Fatty Acids (FFA) ELISA Assay Kit is For Research Use Only

Sizes: 1 x 96 wells
Sensitivity: 196 nmol/mL
Dynamic Range: 200 – 3200 nmol/mL
Sample Size: 40 uL
Incubation Time: 1 hour 10 minutes
Sample Type: Serum, Plasma, other Biological Samples

Controls Not Included

Assay Principle

The method employs sandwich ELISA technique. Monoclonal antibodies are pre-coated onto microwells. Samples and standards are pipetted into microwells and Human Free fatty Acids, FFA present in the sample are bound by the antibodies. Biotin labeled antibody is added and followed by Streptavidin-HRP is pipetted and incubated to form a complex. After washing microwells in order to remove any non-specific binding, the substrate solution (TMB) is added to microwells and color develops proportionally to the amount of Human Free fatty Acids, FFA in the sample. Color development is then stopped by addition of stop solution. Absorbance is measured at 450 nm.

Storage and Stability

  • all reagents should be stored as indicated on the component label
  • all the reagents and wash solutions should be used within 12 months from manufacturing date
  • bring all components to room temperature (18-25ºC) before using
  • upon assay completion ensure all components of the kit are returned to appropriate storage conditions
  • the substrate is light-sensitive and should be protected from direct sunlight or UV sources

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Product Manual

Please note: All documents above are for reference use only and should not be used in place of the documents included with this physical product. If digital copies are needed, please contact us.

Product Citations