EagleBio’s March Promotions


Check Out our Monthly Promotions! 

30% Discount on Select Cardiac Biomarker Assays

BNP Fragment ELISA



Endostatin ELISA

Big Endothelin-1 ELISA

Endothelin (1-21) ELISA


This promotion is good through the end of March just use the code below when ordering. 




Related News:

EagleBio Spotlight: Endothelin

EagleBio Spotlight: Natriuretic Peptides

EagleBio Spotlight: ANP

EagleBio Spotlight: CNP

EagleBio Spotlight: BNP

Interesting Study Highlighting Eagle Biosciences’ BNP Fragment ELISA Assay Kit 

EagleBio Spotlight: Endostatin

Eagle Biosciences Introduces Endothelin 1-21 and Big Endothelin-1 ELISA Kit



Related Resources Citing EagleBio Kits:

Stanek, B. et al. “Prognostic evaluation of neurohumoral plasma levels before and during beta-blocker therapy in advanced left ventricular dysfunction” Journal of American Cardiology 2001; 38: 436-442.


Related kits:

Cardiovascular Assay Kits