New Study Referencing EagleBio’s Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit



EagleBio continuously has researchers publishing new literature referencing our kits for a variety of our product lines. A recent study was conducted by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine utilizing a kit from our Neurobiology Assay Kit line. The Neurobiology Assay Kit line offered Eagle Biosciences provides a comprehensive array of sensitive tools to measure catecholamines and numerous neuroscience-related analytes on various types of samples. Check the product pages for full details on the kit or view the links below to find a new publication referencing our  Serotonin ELISA Assay Kit.



New Publication:

Quinolinic acid/tryptophan ratios predict neurological disease in SIV-infected macaques and remain elevated in the brain under cART


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EagleBio Assay Kits in Several New Publications

January 21, 2015- Eagle Biosciences Shares Some New Publications Across Multiple EagleBio Assay Kit Product Lines

Related Kits:

Neurobiology Assay Kits

Catecholamine Assay Kits