New Study Focuses On Designing Novel Antibodies to Target Breast Cancer Cells

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In honor of breast cancer awareness month, we thought we would
share some interesting and hopeful new research. But before discussing
this we should take some time to reflect on the fact that people
afflicted by this disease are battling it everyday and some for
several years. It does seem trivial to only recognize it one month of
every year when you consider all of this, but perhaps this is our way of
setting time aside to focus attention and in some way bring energy,
good vibes, and perhaps fresh ideas to conquer this disease.

A recent study done by the University of Michigan focused on
selecting novel monoclonal antibodies with anticancer activity. They
did this by creating an environment of cancer cells in vitro and then
exposing these cells to numerous antibodies to evaluate if these
antibodies have any anti-cancer fighting effects. How they created the
antibodies is rather intriguing. Read more