GA-Map Validated on MAGPIX

The Genetic Analysis GA-Map® Dysbiosis Text Lx has been validated on the Luminex MAGPIX system. The company proudly announced the successful completion of validation at the beginning of February. Previously, the GA-Map Dysbiosis Test Lx was only validated for the Luminex 200.

GA-Map Dysbiosis Test Lx Principle

The GA-Map Dysbiosis Test Lx is a tool that allows mapping of the intestinal microbiota profile for a selected set of bacteria in a sample. The GA-Map Dysbiosis Test is based on advances in DNA profiling using probes targeting variable regions (V3 to V7) of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene to characterize and identify bacteria present. The targets are identified in a molecular multiplex assay that utilizes the Single Nucleotide Primer Extension (SNuPE) technology patented by professor Knut Rudi of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (​NMBU) (US6617138). A unique algorithm takes advantage of all the data generated by the detection of the SnuPE products to determine the microbiota profile in the sample. The algorithm is incorporated in the GA-Map Dysbiosis Analyzer software that accompanies the test.

Luminex MAGPIX Validation

The MAGPIX® instrument is the most affordable instrument of the Luminex’s xMAP instruments. The MAGPIX system is already a widely used platform and a large number of laboratories have already installed this system for performing other tests.

The human microbiome market is accelerating both in terms of evidence-based research and pharma products launched. The market’s need for a validated microbiome test is growing with this market. Thus, the news today that more labs can start microbiome testing with GA-Map on MAGPIX will fuel this growth and create more research opportunities.

Check out the full press release here.

If you have any questions about the GA-Map Dysbiosis Test Lx or our other offerings, contact us here.